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It's amazing to think

You can talk for

Two hours with someone

You just met.

That has to be fate, right?

It has to mean

Something when you can

Connect with someone

Instantly like that, right?

After that first night,

I couldn't get you off of

My mind.

I never thought I'd

See you again.

Then one day,

There you were

Eating all alone.

That had to be some

Kind of sign, right?

I joined you, hoping you'd

Remember me, hoping you'd

Remember that night.

You knew me immediately, and

We talked for another hour

Before exchanging numbers.

My mind was whirring with

All of the possibilities, of

All that we could be.

However, our schedules

Never seemed to match up.

It was rare that we'd get to

Spend time with one another.

I didn't give up hope, though.

We still talked on the phone,

even when you'd say you had

to go, you'd continue to

talk, like you couldn't stop.

It was the most adorable thing.

There had to be something

Special about that, right?

I still remember the

Last day we talked.

I remember how the

Boyish grin never seemed to

Leave your face as you

Told me even more

About your life.

But then you stopped

Answering my calls.

It wasn't long before we

Became strangers once more.

It seems like every time

I almost forget you, I

Run into you again.

You don't say hello and

Neither do I.

Then I spend the

Next few days thinking

About you, about the

Short time we had together.

Or sometimes I stumble

Across the one picture

I have of the two of us.

It's from that last day,

When my friends decided

To creep on us and snap a

Picture and send it to me.

I thought it was weird then,

But now I appreciate it

Because it reminds me that

You must have felt something

As well, that there must have

Really been an "us," even if it

Was only a fleeting thing.

I don't know how many

Times I've told myself it

Needs to be deleted, that

The past is the past.

But every time my finger

Hovers over the "delete" button,

I can't bring myself to do it.

It's the only memory I have of you,

The only proof that you

Must have cared too.

There's no way a guy can look

At a girl with that amount of

Adoration in his eyes, with that

Big of a smile on his face without

It meaning something, right?

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