What have i done with my life?

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Pathetic.” Chuck said as he shook his head in a displease manor.

I'm trying my best.” I whined, my face falling downwards in sadness.

Well try harder kid. You need to step it up if you want to win.” Chuck said as he held his gloves back up. I sighed and held my fists up once again.

Hit Left.

Hit Right.


Not good enough Parker, where's the fire?” Chuck exclaimed as he threw his hands in the air. I looked to my feet as I felt those retched tears fill my eyes. “Look at me.” Chuck said. I pulled my gaze from my feet to the man standing before me. Once our eyes met, he rolled his eyes and started to take his pads off. “I'm done, you let those tears fall and you're done too.” Chuck warned as he threw the gloves down on the mat and stepped out of the rink.

I'm sorry.” I said as I the tears blurred my vision but I did everything possible to keep them from falling, as crying is not prohibited.

Parker you are 4 years old. You are old enough not to be a baby.” Chuck exclaimed as he paced the large room. “What did your father tell you?” Chuck questioned as he stopped pacing to look me in the eyes.

That crying makes you weak.” I mumbled as I rocked back and forth on my heels.

Exactly!” Chuck yelled as he through his hands in the air and stared at me wide eyed trying to make a point. “You are way stronger than you show me. You can do great things Parker, that is if you set your mind to it.” Chuck said as he walked closer to where I was standing on the ring.

Can we run it again?” I asked in my little girl voice.

Yes we can.” Chuck said as he climbed back onto the ring and grabbed the pads. “Ready?” He asked and I just nodded my head in response.

2 years later*

Parker we need more food!” My father yelled as he sat on the hay bale that we had lined up in our 'so called' living room.

Do I need to make a run?” I asked as I set down the book I was reading on the history of the revolutionary war, that I checked out of the city library.

Could you?” My father said.

Yup, I'll be back in 30.” I said as I hoped up from my seat and grabbed my old worn out denim bag that hung on the rack by the front door. When I stepped outside the cool autumn air slapped me in the face with it's chilling winds. I walked the half a mile to the end of the woods where the city begins. People were walking the streets as the texted on their cell phones or were eating their leftover lunch. I licked my lips at the thought of food as my stomach let out an enormous growl. I haven't eaten in 3 days because we haven't had enough food to feed us both. I would let Father eat the food as he needed the strength. I walked out onto the street and down the blistered sidewalk. My bare feet slapped against the cool ground as I wondered aimlessly trying to find a good store to rob. I'm not proud to steal from others, when you starve for days on end, you kind of have to, to survive. I found this beat up convenient shop just across from the local Starbucks. I walked in the ally that the building was connected to and went to the back door. I tried to see if it was unlocked, but it wasn't. I pulled out the bobby pin that rested in my air and stuck it in the slot. I twisted and turned until I heard yelling.

Hey little girl, what are you doing!” A man yelled as he waltzed into the alleyway. I rolled my eyes as I stood from my kneeling position. As the man got closer I jumped in the air and kicked him in the neck, sending him toppling over onto the hard pavement. I shrugged my shoulders and continued with my work. Once I heard the familiar click I knew I unlocked the door. I turned the knob and what do ya know, it opened. As I stepped inside I notice that the trucks just made a delivery meaning they were fully stocked. As I looked through the back room and filled my bags with enough goods that would probably last us the rest of the month, I heard commotion going on in the main part of the store. I poked my head out of the door to see a man with a gun pointing it at the cashier. I ran out into the store with my bag on my back, and walked right up to the guy with the gun.

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