✞Chapter 1✞

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Asher's POV
Today is the day!

I got signed to WWE's main roster about a week ago and today is my first day... I'm nervous!!

My very first, official WWE Main Roster match is against the WWE Divas champion, Nikki Bella. And I am terrified!

"Hey, Asher! Come here for a moment sweetie!" Stephanie said to me.

"Coming mom!" I said, and no, Stephanie McMahon is not my mother! Her and Paul are like my parents! I'm their favourite diva and they are the best bosses!

I started walking towards Stephanie, as I walked I studied her complexion, she was wearing a tight black dress that had long sleeves and went just above her knee, she had her hair in tight curls, just like normal. And she had a dark smokey eye.

"What do ya need Steph?" I asked.

"I wanted to talk to you about your match tonight, you are going to come out first, then Nikki who will be accompanied by Brie, and tonight Brie will turn on Nikki. You will win!" She told me.

"So this is a title match?" I asked.

"No, you will win, which will give you a shot at a title match." She told me, I nodded and smiled as she dismissed me, I haven't looked through this arena yet, and I kinda wanna know where I'm going, and where All the little hiding places are.

I walk aimlessly through the halls, looking at the bright red walls, and the black and white checkered floor.
Until I run into a wall.

"Owww!" I saw as I hold me leg, which I just hit on the wall.

I hear footsteps run up behind me and a deep voice, obviously a mans voice, say; "Oh my gosh, are you okay?"

I close my eyes because I'm so embarrassed, I start to laugh and he comes in front of me.

"Can I help you up?" He asks, I nod and look at him, he grabs my hand and sparks erupt in my body, starting at my fingertips and following my body, all the way to me toes, making them curl slightly.

"I- I'm A-Asher..." I tell him. He chuckles the cutest chuckle ever.

"I know! It's hard to see a face like yours and not try to figure out who it is, and I saw you talking to Stephanie!" The mysterious man told me, I just looked at him, as if to say 'and your name is...' He caught on.

"My name is Joe, but call me Roman!" He told me, I laughed lightly and looked him in the eye.

"Wanna show me around, Roman?" I asked, not wanting him to leave my side. He nodded and we walked down the halls aimlessly together.

"Hey, ummm where is the Divas locker room?" I asked Roman.

"Look directly to your right!" He said, there was a red door that had a sign saying 'divas locker room' I giggle and face palmed.

"Well, I have to get ready for my match. Meet me at the guerrilla after my match!" I told/asked Roman. He nodded and walked away.

I walked into the locker room and as I opened the door, I saw three divas; Nattie, Brie and Paige. Perfect.

"Ohh, um... Am I intruding?" I asked the three girls. They shook their head no.

"You must be the new girl... Ashley?" Nattie asked me.

"It's Asher, actually." I told her. She smiled and hugged me.

"Well, I'll catch up with you guys later, but I have to get ready." I told them and waved.

I got into a stall and pulled out my wrestling gear.

I have cute gear!

It's a snug black crop top with jean ripped shorts, which was cut on the side with flowery lace covering the cuts.
I had extremely high black Chuck Taylors for shoes.

My long blonde hair was in beach waves and my nails were painted black.

For my makeup I had a peach lip with natural eye makeup... I'm ready!

I walk out and the girls are still in here, they all drop their mouths, probably looking at my amazing abs! Just kidding!

"OH MY GOSH ASHER... You look, amazing!" Brie said to me. I have met Brie before when I was in NXT and I think she is bestfriend material.
The other two girls nodded. I smiled.

"Thanks guys! But I don't see how I could be any more beautiful than you three!" I said, Paige was going to say something but the door opened and Alisha Fox walked in.

She smiled at me and said; "you must be Asher! I'm Alisha!" She said to me, while shaking my hand.

"I know! You are amazing by the way!" I told her, she smiled.

"You look AMAZING in that ring gear by the way!" She said "you look pretty young. How old are you?" Alisha asked me.

"Ummm, I'm 17." I told them, they all dropped their mouths, I just smiled sheepishly.

"ASHER COLSEN TO THE GUERRILLA PLEASE!" Somebody said over the intercom.

I waved goodbye to the girls and walked out.

I walked all the way to the guerrilla in perfect timing. My music hit (calling from above by bass nectar trimmed to exactly to 30 seconds) and I walked out! I had a mixed reaction at first, but then it was all cheers.

"This match is scheduled for one fall. First, from Calgary, Alberta, Canada Asher Colsen" Lilian Garcia said into the microphone.

"And next, accompanied to the ring by Brie Bella, the WWE Divas champion, Nikki Bella!" And her music hit, she did her booty shake and walked down the ramp. I smiled at her and got into character.

*ding ding ding*

And just like that the match started.

Nikki and I locked up and I pushed her into the corner and drop kicked her in the stomach, she fell to the ground and I grabbed her by the hair, I held onto one arm and hit her with multiple clothe lines, she laid on the mat and I went for the cover, she kicked and somehow got me into the rack attack, Nikki hit it and I kicked out, the crowd went wild. I got up and tackled her, hitting her many times in the face, she was lying on the mat, I let her get up and she came at me, Brie jumped onto the apron and started calling her, I rolled Nikki up and got a three count.

"Your winner, Asher Colsen!" Lilian said, I smiled and Brie came into the ring with me, grabbing my hand and raising it as a symbol of my win.

✞✞✞✞✞✞after the match✞✞✞✞✞✞✞✞

"Great job out there!" Roman said, as he walked up behind me, I got cocky and did a little bow.

"I thought girls were supposed to curtsy!" Roman said.

"I'm not like most girls!" I told him, he smiled.

I started walking and he chased me.

"Hey, do you want a ride to the hotel?" Roman asked me, I nodded.

"Just let me go change!" I said and he smiled.
"Meet you outside!" I continued, he nodded and I walked into the locker room.

"You killed it!" Nikki said hugging me.

"Thanks Nikki!" I said smiling at her, she nodded, and smiled.

I walked back into the same locker with my stuff in it and pulled on my yellow 'golds gym' top. As well as some black sweatpants, and I walked outside.

"Hey Ro!" I said to Roman, he looked at me.

"Ro?" He asked.

"Yup! You are Ro!" I said, he chuckled his adorable chuckle again, I smiled.

"What can Asher even change to? Ash?" He asked, my smile dropped.

"You call me ask and you will no longer have skin on your face!" I said, with a small toothy grin afterwards.

"Okay..." He said, as we got into the car.

The rest of the night was just spent laughing and eating cold pizza, while watching scary movies.

<A/N hey guys! This is my first chapter and I hope you like it! Also if you like Dean Ambrose, read my book! It's called "why am I here?? ~Dean ambrose" thanks!

A/N from the future. I know this chapter is pretty rough but I promise it gets better lol.

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