Suddenly, a sword protruded out of Victor's stomach. He didn't make a sound, but grimaced. Kayla was the same, though she looked pretty shocked at the situation. Percy clenched his fists.
"Annabeth. Close your eyes."
Suddenly, Tartarus started to glow, heating up. He dropped the two prisoners and stared in horror at himself. "You can't-" he screamed as the glow became brighter, the light leaking through his eyes and mouth.
I realized what he was doing.

Boiling his blood.

I stared in horror at the gruesome torture. Blood poured out of his eyes, mouth, and ears. It sizzled on the grass, killing it. His blood formed a lasso around his neck and it tightened, choking him. He raked at his throat as he fell to his knees.
All of it suddenly stopped. Percy's hands were shaking. Tartarus's sight was so gruesome it was disgusting. Blood still seeped out of his eyes. Percy swung his sword, and l finally closed my eyes. When l opened them, Tartarus was already fading. Soon, all that was left was a small pool of ichor and a patch of dead grass. He took a deep breath.

The whole camp was silent.

Even l was frozen.

Finally, Thaila walked up to him.

And slapped him.

Percy looked at her with wide eyes. Now that he was a foot taller than her, it looked slightly odd.
"Where were you! Do you know how much we looked for you?!"
Thaila threw her arms around him.
"We missed you kelp head." she sobbed. The seven began to move. Piper kissed him on his cheek and Hazel hugged him tight. The guys looked a but awkward till Leo set himself on fire and yelled


The whole camp roared, and we all ran up to him. Victor was next to me, but he wasn't smiling.
"Get him to the infirmary!" he yelled.
I pushed through the crowd trying to find him. I heard a scream.

Piper's scream.

I finally found him, and he was out cold, breathing hard. Blood pooled around him beside Tartarus's ichor. It seemed to pull his blood along as it sank into the ground. Crying- screaming, l lifted him on the ground trying to get him as far away as possible from the cursed thing.

You're coming with me

"No! Percy!"
his half lidded eyes were closing, turning paler than Nico. Luke took him away, and ran to the infirmary.

You can't leave me.

"lt's not fair."

But l knew it.

It was Tartarus that kept him alive all along. Percy was already worn down, weak-

and dead.

He was always.


And he wasn't smiling.
I sighed.

And stepped beside P2.

P1 smiled widely and turned into Tartarus. "Lovely."
I felt a sharp pain in my shoulder. I looked back to see Percy with a knife in my shoulder.
"W- what...."
He looked down at me in a way he never would of. "Annabeth." he tutted. "Your Percy isn't here." He also turned into Tartarus.
The two Tartarus's looked at each other. "And Omega...."
"He's down here." they said. One nudged something with their foot, and Omega shimmered and showed up on the ground, breathing hard. He was clutching his chest, where his heart was. Victor turned pale. The girl fought, trying to get out of his grip.
"I just needed time." Tartarus said. "And it was pretty easy. I just divided my mental state and put it in his and turned him invisible while making another form of his, and just plastered Percy's face on his. Easy." he looked down on Omega.
"And all we need to do is wait for the poison to spread completely."

My hands shook. I didn't feel the pain in my shoulder.
"You can't just play with me like that. With Percy." I curled my lip in disgust. "You have no right to speak of him."
"Oh, but l do." Tartarus lamented. "He was already in my hands anyway."
He smiled. "Who gave you the right to speak of him?"
I screamed and stabbed at his face in pure anger. He smiled and shimmered, appearing behind me. I knew it was too late. He was anticipating my reckless move. I would be cursing my stupidity when l was dead.

But l didn't feel the pain.

I could feel someone behind me. His arms wrapped around me.
"Please don't do that." he said hoarsely.
"Omega!" I whipped around. But he had already turned around, making his last stand. Tartarus scowled.
"It's a shame. I was going to kill Victor first, then Annabeth. Don't worry, l will." He smirked. "You'll have to wait a bit."

"You don't."

The fight between the two powerful beings began. They were both fast, too fast for us to see. They had too much in common, their black cloaks. Omega was using his wings as shields, blocking out some blows. I saw him shoot some greek fire. But l knew he wouldn't last long.

I knew in my gut that Tartarus would win.

Soon, the fight ended. Omega had Tartarus's sword to his neck. Tartarus stared at him in disgust.
"Maybe l should kill you. You are getting quite annoying-"
He was cut off by me stabbing him behind his back.

"Who said we were just going to watch you kill him?"

He looked back and glared at me, and l froze. I couldn't tear my eyes off of him. His eyes were horrible- so horrible so that l would have nightmares for years about them. I would of gone insane if not for Omega.

He clenched his fist, and Tartarus screamed, falling to the ground. Hot ichor poured out of his wound and sizzled on the ground. Ichor poured out of his eyes, nose, and mouth, choking him. Soon, all that was left of him was a splatter of ichor on the ground.

And yes, we were just watching.

I couldn't tell which was more horrifing, he death of Tartarus or his eyes. Omega took one deep breath.
"Kill the monsters."
The whole camp roared, responding to his command. He fell to the ground, but Victor helped him.
"Come on." he said. "Help me out a bit."
I swung his arm around my neck and walked to the infirmary. The two wounds that Victor had looked pretty serious, but he didn't seem to care. Omega stepped on the ground, trying to walk.
"I can walk."
He slipped his arms off of out shoulders and took a few painful steps. I entwined my arm in his. He didn't even look at me. Victor broke into our awkward state and pushed him foward.
"Then walk faster."
He limped to the infirmary and Will led him off, and Victor went to treat his own wounds. A woman a little older than me got my woundd cleaned and bandaged, and l looked around for Omega. I spotted some terrible things, like a child crying over a older girl who was still and pale. Many people were crying, and people on strechers came in. Blood was splattered on the floor.

But l couldn't find Omega.

I saw Victor, and ran up to him. He scowled when he saw me, but didn't ignore me.
"How's Omega?"
"None of your business."
l grabbed his hand. "Please." l looked down. "I want to apologize."
His eyes softened a bit. "You can't anyway. He's unconscious." he sighed. "We don't even know if he will live."
He left me standing there, shocked and terrified.

I closed my eyes tight, trying not to tell the world l was scared.

It's Me (Second book of Call me Omega)Where stories live. Discover now