Chapter 25 - Last Words, Last Moments

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Ten years before

(3rd person perspective)

Violet sat on the bench at school, silently, as the air whipped through her hair. She waited outside, desperately, yet with a smile. A young boy sat next to her, and looked at Violet.

"Hey Violet," he smiled, softly and his cheeks turned a sweet red.

"Hey Justin," Violet smiled back, but still looked on each side of the road, back and forth, back and forth.

"What are you waiting for?" Justin asked.

His parents always picked Justin up either very late or last of everyone else. But Violet's dad picked her up earlier or just in time. Except for that one time...

"My daddy...we're going to-"

Those were Violet's last words to Justin.

Her dad's car pulled up and Violet's dad climbed out. Violet quickly picked up her book bag and ran to the car. She smiled and attacked her dad with a giant, bone crushing hug. She didn't say anything to Justin before they left, she only waved goodbye.

"Daddy, you're late!" Violet scolded her father and he tried pulling off a smile, which Violet seemed to believe. But giant bags were under his eyes. "Are we still going to the park, daddy?" Violet smiled sweetly, as they drove away.

"Yeah, sure but later. I have to finish a couple things first," he replied to her, focusing on the road. Violet pouted.

"No! You promised that we'd go to the park!" she said, in her attitude filled voice.

"We will-"

Violet started crying, loudly and her father turned red faced. After a couple minutes, he couldn't stand it anymore. There was always a first for everything; he gave in.

"Fine!" he yelled, making her shush quickly. He pulled over, harshly to the side of the road where the park entrance was. "Listen, sweetie...I will be back in less than five minutes. I just have to get some things across the road...don't talk to the strangers,"

He drove away, and pulled into the parking lot down the road, not realizing the biggest mistake of his life.

Those were Violet's last moments with her father.

"Bye!" Violet called out, waving to him.

The park was nice and wide, with a forested area around the back, the playground was a medium size. There were no children there that day on the swings or making sand castles. That was when Violet started to feel lonely.

She stood looking at the swings, debating if she wanted to use one. She watched as the wind blew both the seats back and forth. She finally walked over and sat on one, looking at the sandy ground.

A shadow appeared, and Violet looked up to see a woman with a "friendly" smile.

"Hello dear, I'm Mary," the lady smiled away, happily. Who wouldn't have bought it though, it was like if Mother Nature came up to you and said 'Hello'.

"Hi, I'm Violet," Violet smiled back, in a friendly matter, shaking Mary's hand, shyly. They small talked for a while. Finally, Mary pointed out a van by the curb. Violet agreed to come see inside.

"Come, I have games," Mary smiled.

"What kind of games?" Violet asked, walking with both of them to the van.

"Fun games," she replied, pushing her into the van with some force, which Violet didn't seem to notice. She went along and sat on one of the van's seats, playing her little video game.

Violet didn't seem to notice that the van started to move either. After a while, Violet began to fall asleep. Then she woke up...

Violet woke up in her own personal hell.

Her heart beat, quickly and fast and hard against her chest.

"You're not enough!" a man, now known as Chandler screamed at Violet, slamming the door, violently.


(Message From Congbaide)

Sorry for the wait guys...I couldn't edit this sooner because I was busy. So Dewdette hadn't uploaded without me. Sorry for being stupid ;D....and as you can see...I'm slowly editing the past chapters that I haven't yet. If you see any huge mistakes with chapters I HAVEN'T edited, please message me. Thanks! Sorry again for the wait!

(Message from Dewdette...kind of...not really...still congbaide...haha.)

Amber sucks. Enough said. (That's me ^^)

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