Chapter 9 - Christmas

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  • Dedicated to Katty Kitty and Snack Cat You will be in my heart forever :)

Hey guys,  Thank you so mcuh for the votes and making this story so popular, I only made this story for fun. I cant belive it :) every ones comments make me smile. If you have any ideas Comment.

And Like Cheese head, Im accepting fan covers lol And ideas. 

PS. Its edited now...kind of XD


I was in complete shock. The picture was beautiful. I had no idea that Jessy was an artist.

Anyways, he obviously didn’t know that I knew. I shoved the book back where I found it and put on my clothes quickly, a long red shirt and some jeans and black sneakers.

But I was really curious, did I actually look like that? The girl in the picture, I mean. I reached for the mirror in the front.

It was opened about half way…

“Dudette, are you coming? We’re all waiting inside for you,” Katty shouted from outside the car. 

“Ugh! You scared the Jizz out of me!” I told her, holding the left side of my chest to portray my heart as I stepped out of the car. My chest was beating really fast now, she really did scare me.  But I can look at my reflection another time.

“Uh…okay? So are you coming?” she pointed in the general direction of the house. I nodded and grabbed Chewie, who was still sleeping. Katty had already gone inside, so I walked up to the house by myself. I rang the doorbell once and a Jessy look alike opened it.

“Hey! Please, come in,” he ushered and stepped back as I walked through the doorway. The house had a home-y feeling to it. The carpetted floors and how the family sat in the living room, talking with each other. And then the colorful lights on the Christmas tree and the laughter of everyone. I could sit here for hours, just enjoying not talking but loving the company but I was interrupted. “You must be Dudette, if I’m correct…” the Jessy look alike said, smiling warmly. He was basically like an older and stronger version of Jessy.

“Yeah, I am. You must be…” I cocked my head to the side.

Jessy made some type of grunting/fighting noise.

“I’m Ryan Koalabear and this is my wife Sunday,” he gestured to the beautiful woman who was sitting on the couch smiling at me. She waved as I smiled back at her. “This is our little baby, April,” he smiled at the toddler on the floor, next to a dog. She was so beautiful, she kind of reminded me of a mini version of Joanna. But cuter and different of course, with green eyes, rosy cheeks and pink lips.

“Daddy, I’m not a baby. I’m this old!” she held up her hand, holding up all five fingers.

Aw, that’s so cute!

“Hi, sweetie,” I cooed, smiling down to her while she waved back and continued to watch TV.

“And this is Scott,” he pointed to the boy who just sat on the couch playing PSP.

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