Chapter 5 - Chewie The King

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The next morning, I woke up next to Jessy who was cuddling up to Chewie. 

    Aw, what a cute picture, Jessy using a rock as a pillow while Chewie curled up beside him with his arm wrapped around Chewie. I guess Chewie loved the bonding session they had last night while Jessy was high. 

    The sun was making me sweat in my already dirty dress and I was hungry now. I was used to other people feeding me, so I didn't know how to fend for myself. I decided to try, by looking through the field. After ten minutes of searching and not coming up with anything edible, I returned to Jessy and the chubby Chewie. 

    I scratched my bird pooped hair, I had always wondered why I had never had lice before. I only used to have monthly showers when I was the basement and Mary only gave me cold water, well, more like freezing water and limited soap. I guess I was so gross, even the lice were afraid of me. Oh well.

    I decided to wake up Jessy now, since he was technically breaking one of our conditions.

    No touchy Chewie.

    Well, actually maybe it was Chewie touching Jessy...oh well. I grabbed a medium sized, harmless pebble and chucked it at Jessy. Who knows? I might have tried shaking Jessy awake and he might have went all Jackie Chan on me. 

    "Ow!" Jessy groaned, opening his eyes groggily. His eyes widened with realization, but still looked completely confused. "Er, what happened last night?" he rubbed his eyes, trying to clear his vision. 

    "Well, you got high...oh and you started to sing," I informed him, trying to hold in my giggles from his expression of pure horror. 

    "I sang?! Aw man, dudes don't sing, it's so not...not..." he tried thinking of a word to fit with his feelings.

    "Macho?" I giggled, unable to hide it anymore. He started to use his palm to whack his forehead, like he just totally screwed up with a girl.

    "What did I sing?" he asked, hopefully. Probably to make sure it wasn't too embarrassing.

    "Do you REALLY want to know?" I asked him, emphasizing the 'really'.

    "Um, yes? Oh dear god, please tell me it wasn't Sunshine, Lolly Pops and Rainbows?" he begged to the sky seriously. 

    "Nope, you sang Put a Banana To Your Ear," I smirked and he froze.

    "Are you serious?" his eyes widened when I nodded. He looked at me with the 'Oh My God!' expression on.

    "It was kind of cute though, especially when you started to sing Christmas carols while skipping through the fields," I chuckled at the memory. That was really funny.

    "Idiot! Idiot! Idiot!" he smacked his forehead again and laid back down on the rock, until he came to realization. "Wait? How did I get high? Did you drug me?" Jessy was gaping at me, probably thinking of how a sweet girl like me would poison him. Ha!

    "You assume too many things, it was that evil pie!" I glared at a rock while I was thinking of that EVIL PIE!

    "Pies aren't evil," he pointed out, making me look up at him. He was staring at me, curiously.

    "But grandmas are. Anyways, I'm starving, do you have anything to eat?" I asked him, eying his bag. He rolled his eyes and dug through his backpack and pulled out two canned vegetables, tossing one to me. I swear, Chewie woke up at the sound of food and now was clucking through the fields looking for some bugs.

    "I have no idea why we are eating these veggies when we have a perfectly good KFC, right here," he gestured to the chicken, making me sigh.

    "Like I told you before, we are not eating Chewie. Plus you two seemed to get along last night while you were talking away and bonding with him," I snickered, shoveling food into my mouth. I really was starving.

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