Chapter 12 - Is this it? (PART ONE)

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The next morning, I woke up to my little buddy named Chewie, who was cuddling in my arms. I noticed that I was sitting up right as well, not laying on my back like in a usual bed. I opened my eyes to see the puffy clouds through the window drifting by. The sun hit my face, I instinctively rolled down the window and shoved my head out of it. The smell of golden wheat roamed my nose and I closed my eyes and felt the wind going through my hair.

"Lights go out and I can't be saved

Tides that I tried to swim against

Brought me down upon my knees

Oh I beg you, I beg and plead

Singing, come out if things aren't said

Shoot an apple off my head

And a trouble that can't be named

Tigers waiting to be tamed

Singing, yoooo! Ohh!!!

Yooooo! Ohhh!!!

Confusion never stops

Closing walls and ticking clocks

Gonna, come back and take you home

I could not stop that you now know," the music fit the moment. The past three or four days, waking up inside the car would have made me scared or mad but now I felt safe.

"Well look who isn't cranky and surprised as usual," Jessy said, I turned to see he had a smirk on his face, which was a bit too close to my face for my liking.

"Yeah, yeah. Well I'm used to it now," I smiled and looked around the big car. It confused me because it wasn't the same one Jessy stole. Ryan was in the front seat driving with Scott in the passenger seat beside him, who wished to be driving. Katty was squished in between the door and Jessy (of course), who was next to me.

Oh and how could I forget the lazy Chewie, sitting on my lap. I rubbed my eyes and grabbed a wet napkin to clean my face.

"Where are we going?" I asked, satisfied that my voice wasn't rough like it usually is during the morning, or when I wake up.

"North, I know that's where you wanted to we figured we'd keep driving until you woke up to give us directions," Ryan said, looking into to the rear view mirror to see me.

"Now, pay attention to road," Katty smiled, innocently.

"So, where to?" Scott asked, and I could see him rolling his eyes as he concentrated on the road. But he looked back again, towards Katty and then to me, shaking his head at her.

I thought for a second, I don't remember my address. Wait, no, scratch that! I never even knew my address in the first place, I just knew it was north. But I knew I would get the feeling of home when we got to a place I recognized.

"Just keep driving, I'll tell you when we get there," I leaned back in my seat. I looked over at Katty.

She was leaning towards Jessy, widening her eyes to make them look pretty and bigger, and she got closer ... and closer ... and-

"SO!" Jessy shouted, nervously and turned away.



Forgive me, it's really short. I just want t say I'm very sad, mostly because my story went up from 37 to 118 on the What's Hot list. If you guys stopped voting because you thought I wasn't going to continue, I want to let everyone know that, that was an April fool's joke.

So sorry if there was any confusion. Can you tell your friends about my stories? I just started high school two days ago and it's really tough. Everything is actually tough right now, along with my book.

I just want to make this clear again. I am not quitting this story. It was a joke.

Thanks everyone... VOTE! please.

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