Chapter 8 - On the road

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Ok yeah I know very short I just wnated to upload something. I really want to say THANK YOU so much for puting me on 53 on what's hot list I almost had a heart atack this morning :) and that's good.


"Wake up in the morning feeling like P Diddy,

Got my glasses, I'm out the door, I'm gonna hit this city."

The song started with Jessy and someone else singing that was definitely not Kesha. Jessy lowered the volume suddenly, I opened my eyes to be in the car. We were on the road again.

"What the hell?" I looked around like the last time, trying to shake off the tired feeling.

"Well, we left the carnival and uh, kidnapped..." Jessy began, looking nervously at me.

"Hi! Hi!" Katty popped up from the back seat, grinning like a fool. I jumped, not because she appeared suddenly but because she had no scars, makeup or any glasses on. She actually looked...human?

"Where's Chewie?" I looked around the back and so did she, so I jumped towards him. I didn't want him to die! "Don't look at him!" I screamed.

"Calm down, Dude. That was never me, everything was all an act, even the scars and stuff were fake," she said, explaining. Without all that makeup, she didn't look much like Joanna anymore. Now, she was beautiful, well more than before. It was a natural beauty, and her eyes were now a chocolate color. I faced forward again and looked at the time. 2:45 pm.

"So where are we going, Mr. GPS?" I asked Jessy, glad that I was the one in the front seat next to him instead of Katty.

"We're going to visit someone," he answered in his mysterious tone of his. I rolled my eyes.

"Who are we robbing now, bad boy?" I teased, while pulling my fingers through my tangled hair. It's actually weird, I don't even know what I look like, it's been a while since I've looked in a mirror.

"Well, it's not as much as last time. Don't worry," he assured me, casually and focused on the road ahead of him. I quickly turned up the radio. NO! Not...Hannah Montana! I changed it just as fast and I...broke it...

"GAH! What are we going to listen to now?" Katty whined, dramatically.

"I don't know. Why don't we listen to 'Silence' by Air," I said in a bored tone, watching the trees and fields pass by as we drove on.

"Aw, I hate that song," Jessy laughed.

"Air reminds me of zombies," I added randomly, to start another conversation. This was SO boring, well until we started talking again. 


"I don't know." I shrugged and said the next thing that came to mind. "Have you ever wondered why bananas are yellow? Or if there really are unicorns. OR! OR! OR! Nah...never mind. But I did sound like a seal there," I babbled on while both Katty and Jessy laughed along.

After an hour or so, we finally reached out destination. It was all suburbs, everything looked the same except for the lights and trees. Jessy stopped the car.

"Jessy, why is everything and fancy and...Pazzazed?" we climbed out of the car and Jessy headed straight to the front door, without waiting for either of us.

"Ever heard of Christmas?" Katty asked and started to head in the direction of Jessy. She seemed to think that before I was kidnapped, I had no life.

Hm, Christmas. I thought as I followed after Katty. It was something I used to celebrate when I was with my family, and then I got kidnapped and Chandler and Mary would give me a piece of clothing that they bought for me.

That reminds me, I was still in my pajamas...again.

"Jessy, I'm just going to change, okay?" I pointed to car as he semi turned toward me.

"Yeah, okay sure," he mumbled and knocked on the door to the house. I got into the red car and went searching throughout the many items. Old and used clothes were in one place, with Chewie sleeping on them.

Note to self: Grab Chewie when I'm done.

I pushed through all the things Jessy stole and pulled out my suitcase full of clothes Joanna has given me. Or was it stuff that Jessy took? I can't even remember anymore. I took out some decent clothes and went looking for some shoes. My hands hit a book. I opened it hesitantly to see sketches. Amazing sketches!

They were incredible! 

But a certain one caught my eye. Because well, I recognized her, someone that I knew back when I was living with my family. An older version though, she was beautiful. Suddenly I realized why I recognized her. She was...


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