Chapter 16 - May cause confusion; Two Drunks on Crack

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Note: Okay this chapter is now edited, for all those people who felt like whining about you can now read :P.... Well Apr 12 Was my Bday I got a turtle YAY (who fell out of the window but like landed on my roof. so hes okay) Oh also Jessy is supposed to be zack efron But whatever Imgine him however you want he can be Jb if ya want LMAO!


 I tried to sleep, but to no avail, I couldn't. I don't know why, I was perfectly comfortable and everything. But I just couldn't...

Jessy kept writing, or drawing, or whatever he was doing. He looked up from his page when he realized I was staring. He smirked, and I looked at him with a timid expression, like I didn't even see him or anything.

"Aren't you tired, little 'Missy'?" he teased, trying to get me to stop staring at him so he could work.

"What were you writing?" I asked, ignoring his question. But he only spun around in his chair, making his back face me. "Hey! Jessy, I'm talking to you!" I threw a random shoe at his head.

"Oh, OW!" Jessy rubbed the back of his head.

"Jessy!" I demanded, but all he did was get up from the chair and stretch. He walked over to me and I crawled backwards as he sat beside me.

"Do you really want to know?" he asked, in a playful tone, only inches away from my face. I had to contain my urge to look in his eyes and get lost, so I had to stay away because I most likely didn't have a map for his eyes.

"Yes..." I said, confused as he fell onto the floor, dumbfounded.

Warning: this may be very confusing...but how to describe how we were acting because we were so tired is the following: two drunk people on crack.

I jumped off of the bed and pounced for the notebook, but then Jessy somehow tackled me to the ground. I tried to keep the book that I had in my hand, away from his grasp. My elbow smacked on the floor and the book went flying out of my hand and out the window.

How ironic. Well...not really but you should get my point. Hopefully.

I covered my face, not wanting to see his mad expression. But he laughed. And I was so very confused.

"I'll get it tomorrow, it's no big deal," he answered my unasked question, when he saw my confused expression.

"Get the f*ck off!" I yelled at him, noticing that he was still on top of me. But I also REALLY wanted to sleep on the bed now.

"No," he refused, childishly. So, I pushed up off of me least tried. But somehow at one point he ended up closer than he was before. Inches away from my face, he was staring into my eyes, intently.

Jessy had a hold on both my arms and legs and was pinning them down. I couldn't do anything...four inches now....three inches....two inches apart now....and a cold breeze came through the room, ruining the moment. THANK GOD!

Jessy got up and closed the window. He turned around to see me already on the bed, spread out, trying to take up every single space on the bed so he wouldn't be able to sleep beside me. So, thankfully he took the floor, finally giving in.

He turned off the lights.

"Good night," he whispered and wrapped the blankets around himself.

Hours...maybe just minutes passed but I just couldn't sleep.

So I slipped off the bed and landed on the floor next to Jessy.

"What are you doing?" he asked, opening his eyes groggily.

"I'm cold," I whispered and tucked my self in the blankets next to him. He wrapped his arms around me and I was out like that light.

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