Chapter 24 - Prince Charming

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Alright, so I guess now I will be uploading more on a regular bases. Also, the next chapter reveals what happened to Violet when she was little... it will be told in a 3rd person perspective. Alright, so here you go. The new chapter:

Looking back, I saw Justin behind me.

"Where's my goodbye?" he opened his arms to hug. I settled into his arms, staying warm, while peering over his shoulder to see my plane actually leaving. I pulled away from him, and watched with wide eyes as the plane pulled off the ground.

"Damn it! That was my last chance in a while to see my mom. Now I'll never see her!" I fell to my knees, holding in the tears I felt coming on.

"Never say never," Justin dramatically flipped his head as he said those three words.

Oh, the perfect three words from Justin...he wasn't Justin Bieber but either way, he did seem like him in that situation.

"Need a ride home?" he asked, snapping to reality.

"Home? Where's home?" I questioned, numbly. He looked up, thinking for a second.

"Need a ride?" he corrected himself, and I nodded.

"Oh, sorry miss. You have missed your flight. We are not responsible for you being late for it..." the person that was talking to the guy said, the one that actually did make me late. She smiled, widely as Justin and I walked away. I turned around for a second.

"Dude! Shut up and wipe the smile off your face!" I yelled at her and got into Justin's car. We rode back towards the Koalabear's house. A very familiar car passed by and stopped. Justin also had noticed it, but he seemed to know who it was already.

"Who is it?" I inquired, watching as Justin climbed out of the car.

"Your prince charming," he answered, sarcastically. I got out after him, quickly.

"Jessy?" I slammed the door and tried to look at who was behind the other car doors which was opening.

"Violet!" Jessy smiled and opened his arms widely. I was so very confused.

He tried to hug me but I ducked out from under them.  

"What the hell, Jessy?!" I crossed my arms, defensively.

"Listen, I'm sorry...I need you...please, take me back," he looked down, looking like a lost puppy.

"Oh, I better get comfortable for this," Justin said, mockingly and leaned against the hood of his car.

"Jessy, you confuse me so much! And I'm tired of it!" I shouted at him, and walked back to Justin's car.

"Look what's on the radio," Justin started the car, turning up his weird, old radio.

Why does things have to be so complicated? by Avril Lavigne.

I noticed everyone seemed to have old radios now.

"I'm sorry, I just act so stupid around you!" Jessy shouted through the window, seeming to be pleading for forgiveness.

I was always so forgiving, so easy to forgive before. That was my mistake, I was so gullible and naive. I was stupid to forgive everyone so easily.

I believed and forgave Chandler and Mary in the park after all...


Escape this world.Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat