Chapter 17 - We just got carolled...?

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Hey I made many Covers I will show it to you next chapter do you like the new one I did or do you perfer the old one? 

Whos your favourite Character of the family?

What do you want to feel in the story? 


 Waking up the next morning, I realize that Jessy wasn't beside me. Just the blankets.

I got up from the wooden floor and suddenly smelled the aroma of mouth-watering food. I went into the bathroom and splashed cold water on my face, or in other words...I threw onto my face causing a rather large puddle on the floor. I sopped it up with a towel and threw in into the laundry basket. I looked up but quickly looked away and squeezed my eyes shut.

I had only saw my eyes, that's okay, right? I don't even know the colour.

Why do I even care if I see myself or not, after all these years? Well, I'm not ready to see that little girl be different. Different from what I originally remember.

Maybe one peek would be okay, though. I relaxed one of my eyes and peeked through to see deep blue eyes. I closed it after that. That's all I need to see.

I headed downstairs after that, and into the dining room, where the whole family was. Except...Katty, who seemed to not be present at the moment.

"Good morning," I smiled to everyone. They waved and smiled back, greeting me with their share of 'Good morning's.

Scott was bouncing around, looking like he was listening to music, whipping his head side to side. But, if you looked closer, you could tell that they weren't plugged in.

He ain't fooling anybody, no more.

"Where's the I-Pod?" I asked, pointing to the loose, white cord of the earphones.\

"I'm just practicing for tonight when I get one," he smiled like it was the best idea in the world.

"'Sup?" Jessy smiled his genuine smile. Whoa, that's a change.

Sunday looked at Jessy weirdly, then shifted her eyes on me. Glancing back and forth suspiously. Why is she looking at us like?

What was she thinking?

"Er...where's Katty?" I looked around, just in case she just randomly popped out of a lamp or something. Sunday looked over to Scott, who looked over at April, who looked at her father. And finally, Ryan looked over at Jessy, who just shrugged, nonchalantly.

"Oh, Violet, hun, I left you an early Christmas gift on your bed. You can wear it after you change out of your pajamas," Sunday informed me, looking at my slept in and wrinkled PJ's.

Wait...she went into my room...did she not see me? Either way, if she didn't notice, I wasn't going to be stupid and say something about it.

So, I hurried upstairs, and jumped into the shower before I saw the dress. I wanted to make it a surprise for when I actually put it on. After I was finished using the shower, I got out and wrapped a fluffy, white towel around my self. When I opened the door to my bedroom I jumped. Jessy was leaning against the wall inside the room.

"Hey," he smirked and pushed off the wall. I gave a little yelp and pushed him back towards the door.

"Jessy! Out, I need to change!"

Naturally, it was a waste of time and strength because he didn't even budge.

"I know," he smirked again, leaning towards my face slowly.

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