Chapter 15 - The Night of the Cabbages

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  • Dedicated to The fans :P

Ryan put his arm over my shoulder, and we walked back to the car. Katty, Scott and Jessy were all smiling, goofy smiles, but seeing our expressions, they could tell something was wrong.  All I did, though, was walk towards the car with Ryan with my head down, hair in my face. The wind tried to push it away but I was so sad, I didn't even care. We arrived at the car, seconds later. Jessy looked at me with an expectant look, almost saying "What happened?" with his eyes. I sighed, and tried to hold in the tears I felt coming on from the shock of realizing my father was dead after all this time.

But I stayed strong, especially after all these years, I've learned to do so. So I held in my tears while I told them what had happened. Katty looked somewhat sad for my situation and gave me a hug. Jessy and Scott looked disappointed and sorrow as well.

It was getting late and was already dark so we headed home. Even Scott started to sing "Hallaback Girl" just to cheer me up, but it was unsuccessful. "So, tomorrow is Christmas...I got a present for you, Dudette," Katty smiled weakly, trying to break the awkward silence that broke through the car.

"Violet Guilbert, my name is," I said, correcting her.

"Oh, so like, Dudette died now?" Jessy frowned, he seemed to always like that name. I understood why though, it was given to me when we first met which seemed ages ago. "Yes," I replied, glumly looking out the window.

"I'm sorry for you loss..." Scott sympathized Jessy, who looked like he was trying to hold in the tears.

"A moment of silence please," Jessy croaked out and looked down. Minutes passed, mostly because whenever we tried to say anything, Jessy would shush us.

"Ugh, okay now I'm tired of this silence," Katty spoke up, ignoring Jessy's further attempts to keep the quiet.

"Hush, hush, a dear beloved has just died," Jessy insisted and closed his eyes as if Dudette was actually a real person.

An hour passed and finally we pulled into the driveway of Ryan's house. Sunday came running out with April trailing after her, smiling.

"I know you've had a rough start, and you haven't seen your mother and father in many years, so how does it feel to see...?" Ryan shushed her, putting his index finger to his mouth in a "be quiet" motion. "Um...okay...? Anyways...I will show you, your room; the car ride must have made you tired." Sunday smiled and ushered me into the house. I followed her up the staircase to the second floor.

It was a change, after being at the hospital and on the road for the past two days. She showed me a teenager's room, filled with puppets, dolls and Justin Bieber posters plastered across every inch of the walls.

"Who's room is this?" I asked, looking around and watched as Sunday smiled, almost unconsciously and touched the poster of Justin Bieber, full of lipstick markings. Either it brought back memories, or she just REALLY loved Justin.

"Stella, we had adopted her,  but now she goes to college," she smiled again.

"Oh, well that's nice," I answered, slowly and a little freaked out. Sunday didn't seem to notice.

But I was TERRIFIED of puppets and dolls, especially during the night when I'm trying to sleep and they look like they're staring at me.

"You get some rest now," Sunday commanded and left the room. I put on some pyjamas that we laid out on the bed for me. It really wasn't regular pj's; just a shirt and really baggy sweatpants. I turned off the lights, reluctantly, especially now that all there was only moon light coming in through the window. Which, in fact, made the dolls and puppets have assassin looks on their stupid yet scary faces.

I pulled the blanket up and over my head to block out their stares.

OMG!! The blanket has a doll face on it!

I pulled it off of me quickly but still struggled and tumbled onto the floor.'s only a Justin Bieber face...never mind. Chewie, who I almost crushed, was looking at me like I had gone totally berserk.

Wait...if Chewie is a chicken, would that make him a girl? Wait no, that's a hen. Oh wait...never mind...again.

New flash. I couldn't stay in this room any longer, so I gently jumped up and tip-toed out. I stood close to wall but I still managed to hit something. Or should I say...someone.

I looked down to see little April and smirked. The look on her face said it all and I read her mind 'Uh oh, busted...what the French Toast is she doing out here??' Oh course I gave her the 'hehehe busted!!!' look. But I decided to stop reading minds because I don't want anyone else reading mine.

"So, little girl, isn't it past your bedtime?" I smiled down at her and April pouted.

"No! I came down to see Santa Claus, I made him a cookie," she grinned and showed me a Happy Face cookie.

"Santa only gives things to good little boys and girls, the ones who follow their bedtime. Or else, they get cabbage instead." I warned her. Oh wait, isn't it coal? Oh well...

April pouted again but went back to her room.

Whoa, that was easy.

I continued down the hallway and looked for an empty room, where I could sleep.

The first room was Scott's, filled with Zelda, World Of Warcraft and Left 4 Dead, then the bands, which I think said U2, Linkin Park, and...Justin Bieber. Man this kid was actually pretty cool. Scott tossed in his bed, repeatedly. "No, I will not return to the dark side!! Even if you have fresh cookies!" he muttered, talking in his sleep.

Hmm...cookies and the dark side, or no cookies and staying good? Tough choice, I must say.

The second room was Ryan and Sunday's, the third was a washroom, er someone forgot to flush. The fourth was April's, who was now fast asleep again. The fifth one revealed a foot and lion's hair, wait nope. That's just Katty. I guess I could crash here. I grabbed a blue blanket off of Katty, I figured she wouldn't mind, and laid down on the floor. Peacefully, actually.

That was until she started snoring. Loud. Okay, what's up with snoring people?

I left the room and went to the last one, next door. Jessy's room.

I opened the door to see an awake Jessy. One that was staring at me, the nervous Violet.

"Hey," he yawned, sitting on a chair at a desk inside the room.

"What's up?" I smiled.

"I believe that I'm the one who's supposed to say that," Jessy smirked, looking tired which minimized the evilness of it.

"Just chilling, you know, escaping the evil dolls and puppets from under the bed, in the closet and on the walls. So basically, not much,"

"Oh, well that's nothing, nothing at all." Jessy replied sarcastically but yawned again. "Need a place to sleep?" he asked, pulling out his concerned face.

"Mmhm?" I mumbled, unsure. He patted his bed and I laid on it. "Thanks, so where are you going to sleep?" he turned to the desk and looked like he was finishing up something.

"I thought I could sleep in that bed too," he frowned.

"Eh...? No sleep on the floor like a good little doggy," I threw him a pillow and a blanket and closed my eyes.

I began snoring my way to Violet-Land...




I'm very mad at all of you for only leaving four comments on the last chapter. Anyways, back to my point (which I didn't really have in the first place) but do you mind telling your friends, cousins, aunts, uncles, grandmas, pedobears and/or Narwhales about my story.

THANKS FOR PUTTING ME ON NUMBER 30...well even though I'm not at that anymore, so everyone can we try for maybe 25 or 20? Thanks don't forget to VOTE! ;D

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