Chapter 23. Shut up and run the plane.

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Any one of you guys wanna b my editor? Lol sorry fi the Chap sux... Can you guys like leave a comment thats no MOOOREE or uplaod soon. I mean I apreciate. But i mostly want an opinion. 


 Jessy looked down, April had gotten a bit sick, Sunday had so many dishes to wash, Scott looked down at the sad present. Exept Katty trying to bright up the room with a fake smile.

"Im going up stairs." Jessy Exused his self out of the living room.

"Yeah Im going to 'my' room." I exused my self. When I opend my door, Jessy was on the bed. He looked down, his black bangs coverd his face and he held both hands tight.

"Are you going to do it?" He sed not changing his position. He seemes really sad.

"It's my family Jessy..." He cut me off.

"It's your mom, it's just one person... You don't even know LA, you will mostlikely get lost." He turned up to look at me.

"Shut up Jessy!" I snapped mad. How could he do this? this was my goal, my 10 years.

"Why do you want me here? Arent you happy enough with Katty and robing all this crap?!" I yelled furiously, he got up and looked down at me.

"I was just saying, I don't want you getting hurt!" He sed pissedly.

"Why do you care?" I felt like I could look down on him. HHis faced turned pail.

"I don't." He relaxed a bit more relaxed. He went to the door and stope dot look back at me. 

"I don't care about your life. Just do me one favoure." He got a good look on me. 

"Yeah?" I asked sadly.

"Don't bother waking me up tommorow." The last words and he closed the door.

I fell on the bed depresed. I breathed in and out, I started to cry on the bed silently. I only had Chewie and that's how it seemed like it would be. He didn't say peace out, he didn't say I will miss you or a simple good bye. 

I snugled the pillow till I fell asleep.

Chapter 24.

The past night I had set a clock to wake me up, it thankfully did. I didn't have much to bring, just a bag and chewie. I stomped my way down, Sunday, Ryan and Scott where down stairs.

Sunday looked at her clock as if she waited for something.

"Ugh Jessy is still sleeping, if he doesn't wake up he can't say good bye." She puted and started to walk up stairs. I grabed her arm.

"It's ok, really it is." I smiled. 

"Do you have to leave?" Scott asked sadly.

"Yup." I frowned and grabed my bag. This would probably be the last time I would see any body I knew. I took a deep breath and thought for a while. 

"I forgot soemthing." I ran up stairs and grabbed a pen and pencil. I wrote down a couple of things and headed back down stairs, nodding i was ready. But I knew I wasent.

The feeling of not wanting to go stayed in side me. Just do it, I thought. It was 5 AM, the sun had not rised and that feeling... that one feeling of when you are going to travel.

I pretty much sed bye to every wall, every door and every cookie in the cookie jar. I sed bye to everyone, exept Jessy.

This was a dramatic sean of looking back at the house while entering the car with Scott, Sunday, April and Ryan. I finally opend my mouth to say this one thing.


Chewie Scratched and pecked in side it's bag until he found a comfy position to sleep in. The airport was a long way, I didn't want to suffer and watch my home city go by. 

I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. Until we arived at the airport and what do you know. We arrived kind of late but if I was fast I could still make it. 

I sed my last good bye's and went into the checking in.

"I'm sorry miss. But your chicken has to go on the back of the place and shall be given sleeping pills for a while." I woudl usually argue but I didn't and accepted. 

"Because you have came late you have missed the trolley to the plane, but I can guide you there if you like." She smiled.

"Yeah sure." I smiled. We walked though a indoor tunnel going down till we hit the same road in which the planes stood. We were walking past many planes. Until the woman gasped and looked at the man guiding the plane out.

"John?!" She smiled and and ran torwards him with a hug. 

-Okay woman Im gonna miss my plane any time soon.- They started talking and I looked over to a plane which doors were very slowly closing... another thing I noticed was that Johns job was to guide a plane out and well he didn't seem to do a good job. Because well the plane was kind of crashing into stuff because of the Johns Distraction.

"Cmon! I have to be at LA soon!" I yelled at the woman. Her head turned to me like 'How dare you!' But with their weird ass allways smile.

"Listen, your plane is allredy leaving so whatever." She smiled fakely. 

I ran torwards the plane because there was the smallest chance of letting me in.

Until a hand grabbed my shoulder. 

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