Chapter 7 - What are you looking at? (PART TWO)

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"WASSUP?” said the Jazz dancing Pancake.

“Nothing much, just watching the game and drinking some Orphan tears,”

The pancake’s face turned instantly to horror.

“GAH!” I gasped, waking up, not on a warm cozy bed, but only to wake up in a car next to Jessy who was driving.

He gripped the steering wheel and turned towards me with a worried expression. The oncoming traffic coming by washed his face with bright lights as he drove on.

I was leaning against the door, facing the dark sky of the night.

“Jessy?” I looked around.


“What the hell?” I yawned, still half asleep. I lift the blanket off of me and shook myself awake after a minute. I turned around and looked in the backseat to see that everything in here was new. Items were scattered all over the back and they were mostly electronics. But also Chewie was on top of his bed.

“Listen…I’m not what you a good boy like you thought I was…” he started and continued when I gave him a blank expression.

“Jessy, seriously…where did you get all this stuff?” I chewed on my lip nervously, giving him a serious tone.

“I…steal things for a living…” my jaw dropped in shock.

That explains everything! Where he got the I-Pod he had in his back pocket before, and everything else. Stuff he bought without money.

My shocked face stared at the open road.

“Drop me off here,” I said, in a monotone voice, still looking out the window.

“You’d freeze or get kidnapped or lost!” he stuttered along, obviously not liking the idea of me getting kidnapped again.

That’s when I got mad.

“DAMN YOU JESSY! STOP THE CAR HERE AND LEAVE ME HERE!” I yelled at him, making him flinch and pull over to the side of the road.

I opened the car furiously, grabbing Chewie from the backseat. I stormed away, looking behind me for a second. He was standing there next to “his” shiny red car.

“Where are you going?” he smirked, his usual smug grin.

“North!” I yelled and continued.

It seemed like hours to me, of walking through the fields. I got cold…and hungry, not knowing what I could do. I have up eventually and sat on the cold grassy ground, curling up in a ball and crying silently to myself.

What have I got myself into?

It was when the warmth of him touching my shoulder, I looked up.

“Hmph…” I already knew there was a smirk forming on his face, but I also knew he was worried. Jessy knew me too well. I giggled, I was gratefully he was there for me. He gestured for me to open my arms and I did so as he lift me up into his arms and carried me off in the direction of his car. This guy was like a brother to me…a dad…the only person who cared for me at the moment, or even knew I was alive.

Of course, Chewie was left to come after us himself and he was having a hard time dodging all the rocks on the ground.

I rested my head on Jessy’s chest, comfortably, while he made his way to the passenger seat of the car. He wrapped the blanket around me and Chewie as he jumped up onto my lap.

I looked out into the field, to where I had ran off and then back to the road we were now driving on.

Being in the front reminded me of when Dad used to take me out to the park, or when I would go to the shop with Mom. Remembering the memories that had got lost in my head over the years.

“Jessy…you steal…?” that obviously came out wrong. Oops.

“Yeah, it started when I was fourteen. I ran away from home and robbed everything I could get my hands on at my home. I couldn’t stand those people I used to call my parents or even family. So that’s how I continued on in life. Traveling, stealing from my family around the world and then traveling again. So what about your family?”

“You really want to know my story…?” I asked, skeptically. I snuggled closer to the door.

"Yeah,” he smirked.

“Well, when I was five, my dad and I went out on a picnic. Soon, it became dark and he told me he’d get the car…” I trailed off as I saw a random woman passing by. It was only early morning, so it was pretty strange.

“We should ask where she is going,” Jessy said, slowing the car to her walking pace.

“Oh no! This is exactly like this Texas Chainsaw Masquerade. If you pick her up, she will kill herself…except this time it isn’t in Spanish,” I warned him.

“No, no. We’re just asking where she is going,” he seemed a little scared now, or that was just my imagination.

“Based on a true story, you know,” I reminded him, he chuckled at me nervously.

“Hello!” Jessy called out. The lady’s brown hair covered her face, making it all the creepier.

“Hola…I no English…” she was just another Mexian.

Great…so if she does kill herself…it will be in Spanish again.

“You know English?” Jessy looked at her weirdly.

“No! No! I no English!” she shook her head, fiercely and frustratedly.

“Yeah…you know English. That’s great-”

“No! I NO ENGLISH!” she screamed at him, making both of us jump.

“Jessy…I think she means she does NOT know English…not I know English,” I said while looking at her. Chewie peeked out the window at her, obviously wondering what all this noise was about.

“Chicken!” she seemed impressed with Chewie.

“Si, este es mi pollow, Chewie,” [Yes, this is my chicken, Chewie.] I nodded, smiling.

“Cute, cute,” she smiled at me as well, but then continued to walk to wherever she was heading in the first place. Jessy rolled up the windows.

“What just happened?” Jessy asked, confusedly.

“I don’t know, either,” I laughed.

And so we continued on, to our next destination.

So vote, comment and tell your friends. I want my watty award! lol

Thanks for reading everyone (:

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