Chapter 3 - Some Type Of Hansel And Gretel

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"Hey look over there! It's a bar or something," Jessy shouted to me, pointing to the small shelter off in the distance.

"Why do you assume it's a bar?" I inquired, looking up at him. He was taller than me, by a lot actually.

"I'm hoping it is," he sighed heavily, making me feel a little sorry for him.

"Don't you have some water in that huge bag? Or something else?" I gestured to the bag around his shoulders.

"I did," Jessy shrugged, the chicken stopped chewing on his pant leg acting all panicked.

"What does that mean?!" he gasped, putting his hand over his mouth mockingly.

"I don't know," I grabbed Chewie and placed him in my large dress pocket on the front of my dress that was big enough for well, Chewie.

As we got closer to the shelter, we came to realize it was an abandoned house.

"I don't think they have water here," I whispered, finding the need to be quiet. It was creepy after all, it was a small grey house, probably something you would see in a horror movie. On the porch there was a rocking chair and the inside was visible since the door was only a net.

We walked up the steps of the porch, I hesitated on the last step while Jesse stepped through the doorway cautiously looking inside and around the room.

"Jessy, I really don't think there is water in there," I said crossing my arms, defensively. Well, it was difficult with my chicken but I managed. Suddenly I smelled the sweet smell of delicious food. Soon enough I noticed Jessy was out of my vision and in the old house. "Jessy! Don't leave me here!" I stomped my foot, this shouted creepy!

I walked in after Jessy and made my way to where I thought I saw Jessy go, the living room. But he wasn't there. This was kind of like the movie called Hansel and Gretel in Spanish, with subtitles. Except for the chocolate house, but it sure did smell delicious.

I made my way into the kitchen, following the smell of... well, I actually had no idea. It's been a long time since I've had anything normal. I saw Jessy standing in front of the table smiling of the delicious smelling food. I looked at the food on the table and froze. Sitting there on the table was a homemade pie and chicken.

No wonder my chick- I mean- Chewie was so scared, there was a dead and cooked chicken in here. He must have sensed it with his extra super chicken senses or something like that.

"Hello dear, would you like something to eat? You look famished," a voice said. I turned to see an old lady sitting in the chair across the room. I nod, how could I deny something so amazing? I sit down next to Jesse who was stuffing his face with the chicken and potatoes.

As I lift the fork up to my mouth and put a little piece of the chicken in my mouth, I gasp. It was amazing, so amazing that I haven't tasted anything like this in my whole life!

"Yum, what's in this, children?" Jessy asked, sarcastically and grinning like a fool. He chuckled.

"Of course not young man, but save some room for dessert," the old woman smiled widely.

We continued to eat, all the while Chewie was shaking really hard. The old lady cut the pie, revealing some slimy red stuff inside.

"What's in that pie?" I asked, looking at it as she put some on the plate, handing one to each of us.

"Raspberries, have you ever tasted a raspberry, dear?" she asked, giving me an evil, creepy grandma smile. Before I could even whisper to Jessy, he was throwing his face into that pie, like a pig. Well, not literally, just metaphorically.

"Jessy," I whispered, tapping his shoulder, trying to be polite.

"Well, at least I'm eating some and not just sitting and staring at it," Jessy laughed at me, finishing up the piece that was on his plate.

"C'mon, dear. Just try a little bit," the old lady insisted. I thought of an excuse of why I couldn't eat it, trying hard not to be impolite. It's funny, usually I'm the kind that would be digging in face first like Jessy, while he would look at me like I wasn't being polite.

They both stared at me expectantly.

"I have to pee," I excused myself, standing up from the table looking at the old woman curiously,

"To your left,"

The whole house was pretty ugly, not homey at all, I wonder what the bathroom would look like.

I walked into the bathroom. I gagged, it smelled awful, I thought I was going to puke. I plugged my nose and looked for the source of the smell.

Under the sink, I opened the cabinet doors to find a dead decaying cat there. Flies and maggots eating away at it. Bile rose to my throat but I forced it down, finally under control.

Suddenly Chewie made his way out of the pocket, noticing all the little bugs. He started pecking at them while I sat on the toilet seat, waiting for him to finish.

Crossed legged and my chin on my hand palm. Why was there a dead cat? I grabbed Chewie stuffed him into my front dress pocket again.

He sat in there like a good little chicken, he loved not being able to walk. He was a lazy chicken. I headed out of the washroom and back into the kitchen to see Jesse finishing up my piece of pie.

"Jessy, we have to go now," I told him, tapping him on the shoulder.

I looked at the clock by the stove, it was already six thirty. "Jessy, let's go," I insisted, I didn't want to stay here anymore with the creepy grandma and this gross house.

It was almost like a different world, cut of from the real world. We arrived at two, this afternoon. I didn't realize we spent this much time here.

I waited for him by the kitchen entrance.

"Hun, please follow me," the old lady ushered me upstairs, showing me some packets.

"Er...what are those?" I asked pointing to them as she tried to put the packets in my hand. I quickly put both my hands behind my back.

"Some magic stuff," she smiled, evilly. 'Magic stuff'? What does she mean, like drugs? I don't want drugs!

"No, thank you," I declined politely shaking my head.

"Are you sure?" she looked at me funnily. I shook my head again and we headed back downstairs.

"Thank you so much for the food," I said simply and shook her hand. I grabbed Jesse and ran out of the house, not stopping until we were anywhere but there.

I realized something, that house reminded me of Chandler's. I shivered.


If you are asking why the song is double rainbow all the way is the song, It's because Jessy says at one point "What does it mean?!" My inspiration is double rainbow all the way O: The i gotta pee part I give credit to Scott pilgrim vs the world.

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