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Mitch's POV
Jerome and I had just finished exploring and we climbed a tree. Once on the same branch, Jerome came over and pecked me in the lips.
"Its pretty up here." He said
"It got even prettier when you came up." I said.
"Hmm, it did, didn't it?"
"Yeah." I said kissing him. Only this time more heated.
"OI. LOVER BOYS, GET DOWN HERE." I heard from beneath us. It looked like Rob and Preston, with Lachlan and Vikk. I looked at Jerome and we started to crawl down. Jerome was down in a heartbeat, but I was not far behind. We got down and  they told us Paris had some news. We walked back to spawn. Once there, we all sat down and Paris began.
"So my beginning idea was to code us out. Of course there was a few obstacles. One of them is the code of the End. We must defeat the Ender Dragon or the hardest mob. Only problem, there is no Ender Dragon. The coding says it will spawn something else. But it is from Minecraft. So I am assuming it might just spawn and bunch of mobs and we have to slay them. There is problem one.
Problem two, getting to the End. We need to gear up and at least go to the Nether. Since will be different from the Overworld."
"Why not just code the difficulty or keep from mobs spawning?" I asked
"I could but with the barriers and without a complex system, it could take months. This could last a week at minimum. The less time on here, means less chances to die."
"Makes sense." Simon said.
"For today just relax. Do anything that releases stress, but no sex."
Everyone just looked at her.
"If you all fuck each other senseless, then you will be sore and that is not what we want. Calming and good for the muscles. Sorry you are not being fuck boys tonight."
Almost everyone sighed, and left. Jerome and I decided to go read some books. We went to the library and look through the books. After finding a few interesting ones. We sat down, snuggled, and read. Soon enough, I was done with my book and Jerome had fallen asleep on my shoulder. I quickly pick him up and I carry him to the bed area. Thankfully, no one is here. I laid down Jerome and tried to bend back up. But he had a tight grip on me and I was tired. I laid down and cuddled. I fell asleep right next to him.

Third Person POV
Through out the next few days, everyone was on edge. The miners were working hard on finding enough for all of them. Also they now had to work to get obsidian, which was very hard. The rest got supplies and helped mine. They chose a spot in the nearby desert for the portal.
One by one obsidian was placed. Each time the portal grew so did people anxiety. Paris planned that every day, they were to end at 7 eat and they would relax the rest of the night. Brandon and Mat would help with any heavy things since they were Minecraft characters. One day whilst mining, Harry and Josh went one way while the rest split off. They were making small talk as they mined. As josh mined, he heard a rumble and a scream. Harry's scream. He quickly dropped his pickaxe and ran down Harry's tunnel. The tunnel had caved under Harry's feet. He was now hanging by his pickaxe above a body of lava.
"Harry!" He exclaimed.
"J-Josh hel-help me." The younger whimpered. Josh began to climb the rock so he could grab his hand and pull him up. As he came close to the top, Harry's pickaxe began to come out of the rock.
"Harry hang on. I'm coming"
"I can't Josh." He said.
As Josh got to a position where he could grab Harry, Harry started to slip down the wall, pickaxe breaking the rock on the way down.
"Grab my hand. Harry! Grab my hand!"
And he did. He reached up and grabbed Josh's hand. Soon after he did, the pickaxe fell from the rock. Josh pulled Harry up, but the rock they were on was unstable. It began to rumble and tremble. Josh still held on to Harry as he held on for his life.
"J-Josh, you need to go."
"No! Harry!"
"Let me go. You can get out!"
"NO! Harry I am not leaving without you."
"JOSH LET ME GO." He yelled as a tear slipped down his face.
"No, Harry. I will get you out of here."
"One d-death is better than two."
"Maybe I would rather die than go on without you." He said using all his strength to lift Harry.
"Josh." Harry sighed.
Josh yanked with final pull and got Harry high enough, so could climb up and onto the rock. Josh pulled himself and Harry away from the lava pit and to a safe place. Josh leaned against the wall while Harry sat down.
"Josh, y-you? I-I."
"Just forget it." Josh said as Harry slowly stood up.
"What if I don't want to?" He said as he became eye level with the older. They stared into each others eyes. And kissed.
They stood kissing until they had to part. They smiled at each other and walk hand in hand back to the surface.

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