"I understand, love. If you want to we can just push that back about a year and you can just go to collage next fall. When you go I'm sure my mum could watch them so you don't have to worry about day care."

"Would you be upset if I did that?"

He looked a little surprised as he shook his head, "No. If that's what you want to do then I'll support you through it, love. We'll be fine if that's what you want to do."

I nodded as I went back to eating my breakfast. I'm happy he's not upset about it. I guessed he wouldn't be. I know we're still going to have to figure out so much more before our baby gets here. I know we will though. We always do.

When we were done eating he grabbed our plates and started doing the dishes. I sat in the kitchen with him. I do want to spend time with him while I can. As he was putting the dishes into the dishwasher he mumbled, "I wanted to talk to you about something, love."

I looked at him a little confused, "What is it, babe?"

"Liam called me before I came down here. He wants us to come over since he needs my help with something. I was wondering if you were okay with that?"

I nodded, "That's fine. It's not like we had plans today."

He nodded, "I know but tomorrow I just want to spend the day with you. We haven't had a day to just us in a little while."

"I know. I love being able to have days where it's just us."

"I know you do, love. Maybe we can start having them more often."

I really hope we'll be able to. I love being with him every chance I can be. I know he feels the same way. When he was done I moved over to him and wrapped my arms around him. I noticed him smile as he wrapped his arms around me, "What are you up to, love?"

I smiled, "You haven't properly kissed me today."

He smiled before gently pressing his lips against mine. They stayed that way as they moved in sync. I really don't want him pulling away anytime soon. I love it when he just kisses me. I moved a little closer to him. I hooked my fingers onto his boxers and started messing with him. He groaned before pulling away from the kiss, "Not right now, love."

I started to frown a little. He chuckled, leaving a soft kiss on my lips, "We'll do things later, baby."

I left a soft kiss on his neck since that was all I could reach before intertwining our finger and leading him upstairs. I mean since he doesn't want to do anything we might as well get ready to go to Liam's.

It didn't take us very long for us to get there. I kind of don't want to be spending the day here but maybe it won't be so bad. They always ask me so many questions about us. I just hope it's not so bad today.

Louis intertwined our finger as we walked up to Liam and Sophia's apartment. He knocked on the door. I heard a few footsteps before the door opened. Liam smiled, "Hey."

He let us in, closing the door behind us. Liam mumbled, "Sophia is in the kitchen if you want to go in there."

I nodded and looked up towards Louis. He lightly pecked my lips, "I'm going to help him. I'll be back, love."

"I love you."

He smiled, "I love you."

He softly pecked my lips one last time before disappearing down the hall way that Liam walked down. I walked through their living room to their kitchen. I noticed Sophia in there cleaning. All these boys must be the same. I've never seen one of them clean. Well I've seen Louis do it but it was only dishes. He doesn't clean anything else. 

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