I'm here For You (Harry Styles)

Start from the beginning

I headed back to our room with the paper still in hands. As soon as saw her my heart broke and I felt sad. 

“(y/n).” I needed to talk to her about that. I wouldn’t let her give her letter a sad ending. I couldn’t let her think she was alone and that there was no turning back, that her pain would never fade unless she did something I couldn’t even bear the thought.

She was now dressed in her pj’s, ready to crawl into bed again. She turned around and looked at me with a hurt expression. “I missed you.” She said while walking to me. 

I wrapped my arms tightly around her, kissing her forehead. “I missed you too, babe.” I said almost crying again when she squeezed me as if she was trying to grab onto something in order not to crumble right there.

We kept tangled in our embrace for some minutes until she let go of me and looked away. While looking away she got a sight of the paper in my hand and instantly closed her eyes.

I took her hand in mine and sighed while she looked at me. “Why didn’t you tell me?” I asked in a whisper lifting the paper in the air. 

I saw the tears threaten to leave her beautiful eyes but she just couldn’t say anything for at least five minutes.

“Please, talk to me, (y/n). I need to hear you, I want to help you.” 

She couldn’t find words to express herself. 

I knew the best thing was to let her take her time and talk to me when she could and when she felt like she needed to.

I pulled her into my arms again and just then her tears started slipping away. I managed to get to our bed and sit with her in my lap. I stoked her hair and planted soft kisses in her head while she was crying. I let some tears stain my face too as I thought how I let things get this far and how she was feeling, without telling a single person about it.

We stood like that for at least an hour, until her sobbing ceased and she could manage to look at my face and search for the right words to say.

She let out a loud breath and began to speak. “All of that, everything in the letter, it’s how I really feel…” Her voice was hoarse and at the end it cracked. She looked down starting to cry again. “I can’t, Harry.” She whispered. 

“Hey, shh. That’s ok. I’m here. I won’t go anywhere. You can talk to me about it, love.” I said, rubbing her back trying to comfort and encourage her.

After some time she got all the strength she had to talk to me. “I just don’t know how to feel. Haz. It seems like everything is literally crashing down and I don’t have an idea of what to do about it. I’m not sure of what I want to do with my life as soon as I graduate, I’m afraid I’ll lose the ones I love, I miss my family, I feel like I’m not good enough for anything. I’m just afraid and I feel lost.” She said in a low voice.

“I’m here to help you, (y/n). I’m sorry I didn’t notice how you felt before. I truly am sorry. I can’t stand to see you like this.” I hugged her tightly.

“I feel broken, Haz.” She said with the most sad tone I had ever heard, lying her head in my shoulder. “I’ve been crying so much lately, I don’t even recognize myself anymore. I wasn’t like this, I think I’m losing myself and I can’t keep doing this. I don’t know if I’m able to handle it.” Her voice fade and I felt my shirt starting to get wet with her tears. 

“Please don’t say something like that. I’m here for you and I will help you get through this. I know you worry about you parents that live away from us, your older sister that is a little crazy sometimes and your aunt who’s sick. But I also do know you’re a strong woman, love. Things can get though sometimes but you’ll never be alone and I have faith in you, in us, together we can make it through this. Whenever you need something please know that I’m going to be there for you.” I needed her to understand she could count on me. 

She lifted her head and looked me in the eyes and I swear I could see hope in them. “Thank you, for everything. Most for listening and saying what I needed to hear. You’re the best, Haz.” 

I kissed the top of her head again. “I love you (y/n)! More than anything and anyone in this world. Remember this. We’re together and I’m going to help you.” I knew she wouldn’t feel better in the blink of an eye, things would take time, but I was willing to help her every second of everyday. I’d do anything to see my girl happy again.

She stood in my lap with her head again rested on my shoulder for a long time. Although not crying, just in silence looking at her hands entwined with mine.

“Haz?!” I heard her soft voice say.


“Could you please give me my letter back? I would like to finish it.” 

I smiled at her and put the letter in her hands. “Just promise me one thing.”

She lifted one eyebrow and looked at me telling me to continue.

“Don’t let it end in a sad way.” I said simply but she understood me. She knew I was afraid of losing her and I couldn’t even think about it.

She smiled her gorgeous smile at me and kissed my cheek. “Promise.” 

She lifted herself from my body and walked to her bag downstairs to grab a pen. After about fifteen minutes she came back and handed me the letter. 

“…And I didn’t know if I could take it any longer.

I wanted someone to understand me, but I didn’t want to use words, I just needed someone able to hear my silent scream for help. 

And thanks God someone listened. I knew I wasn’t alone, but I closed myself from the world, I was pushing who I loved away and I didn’t even realize. But this person did and knew how to help me. 

I didn’t have to say anything at first because somehow he understood. He waited for me to calm myself down to try to figure out later what had happened. I opened up about how I was feeling and I thank him I could do it. 

I know I will face difficulties in my life, they’re not over because I fell one time. But that’s what life is about: fall seven times, get up eight. But now, more than ever I know there will be someone to help me get up and move on. 

The person who helped me knows who he is and I’m going to say it again: thank you, so much, you’re the best. Everything’s going to be alright, I know it will. Because I have you. And that’s enough. 


I was overwhelmed as soon as I finished reading it. I got up from our bed and wrapped my arms around (y/n), crashing my lips into hers. She kissed me back and when we pulled away we were both smiling. 

“It’s beautiful, love.” I told her.

“Thanks to you.” She said a little shy. “Thank you for saving me. Haz. I don’t know what would have happened if it wasn’t for you. I love you.”

“I love you more, (y/n).” I held her tightly against my body. I knew, just like her, that everything would be ok from now on. 

CREDITS: -Esther

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