She blushed but as quickly as it came it left and she pulled away from my embrace.

"Not really, sweetheart just thought I saw something in the bat cave." She retorted while pointing at her nose.

Without thinking I stuck my finger in my nose in hopes of brushing away unnecessary boogers.

She was now smiling and I couldn't help but think she has a beautiful smile.

Before I could say anything else Sam was by my side.

"Come on Dean, stop flirting we need to go." Sam said as he tugged my finger from my nose.

She laughed out loud as we walked away from her towards my car.


We were in the forest now and we just caught sight of the shifter sheading away his old skin before shifting into a handsome devil. Why is it that shifters always shift into me? Maybe because I'm the better looking Winchester.

We were in a small clearing and the shifter was facing us.

Sam pulled out his knife and I pulled my gun out.

I headed for the shifter first and got a few punches in before it threw me at a tree. Sam was now at it and the shifter did the same to him.

The other Dean came towards me and I saw how Sammy was looking confuse trying to figure out which one was the real Dean.

"Sammy gank him before he does something" I yelled.

"Sammy don't listen to him, I'm the real Dean" The shifter shouted.

Sam looked bewildered, I mean we looked exactly identical. How could he tell us apart?

Before I could yell something else out to prove I'm the real Dean an arrow shoot from no where and hit the shifter straight into the heart killing it instantly.

Sam and I both looked at the direction the arrow came from and held our guns out.

I heard a familiar laugh. We both continued to advance at the same direction before the same laugh came from behind us.

"Hello boys. Guess I just saved your life, huh?" The girl from earlier chuckled.

She looked over at the dead Dean before pulling her arrow out of it and placing it back into her quiver.

"Who the heck are you?" I questioned as Sam and I still cocked our guns at her direction.

"Now now boys no need to be rash. Put your guns down, I'm not gonna hurt you." Something about her wanted me to listen. But my stubborn self wouldn't fall for it.

"To hell I will" I exclaimed.

She rolled her eyes and before we knew it our guns were out of our hands.

What the hell?

"I told you to put them down." She spoke out as she began to walk towards us. Seeing as our guns were gone Sam and I got into a fighting stance.

Again she rolled her eyes and lowered her bow and quiver to the floor.

"Katherine" She extended her hand out to us.

I looked at Sam and we exchange glances.

Before I knew it Sam goes towards her and shakes her hand.

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