"Do you even know where we're going?" Seto asked, Ty merely shrugged and kept walking, the rest of the camp was deserted and quiet. He could only hope that whoever is in charge would be a lot more understanding than Ian.


Seto was having a tough time navigating through the caves. He wasn't at all comfortable in the dark with only a single torch to guide him. And unfortunately he managed to screw up and get separated from his group. And should he think to turn back and leave that would spell certain failure for he and his group.

Seto couldn't do that, especially if it meant he'd be the cause of that failure. Seto heaved a sigh and clutched the torch in his right hand and his wooden sword in his left. He still found it hard to believe that the first exercise was to navigate through the caves and bring back a drop from every mob that existed in the overworld. No training on how to use a sword or even how to be stealthy, though if Seto learned anything about Emedo's history, they pride themselves in their majority of numbers in battle. But...Seto was all alone and had no advantage.

"Great!" he hissed quietly to himself, "Here I am concerned about keeping a secret that could get me killed, when now I'm lost in the caves that could get me killed, how am I supposed to defend myself here?"

Seto heard the strained hiss of a creeper behind him and gasped, he spun around only to trip on the rocks behind him. He stumbled back and landed with a resounding thump against the wall, his torch slipped out of his grasp and rolled to the ground. It flickered but stayed lit and made the caves seem far more scarier as the light illuminated the bottom of the green four legged creature as it edged closer and closer to Seto.

Seto squeezed his eyes tight and and swung his sword madly in front of him hoping in vain it would do something. "H-help! Help!" He screamed though he was sure in this vast cave system no one was around to hear him, and even if someone was the echo would be too great to pinpoint where he was.

He was cornered, and doomed, he opened one eye slightly as heard the creeper hiss in pain. Seto saw his chance to run and made a mad dash past the creeper. His heart thumped against his chest, forcing its way out of its confines. He was running blindly in the dark , smashing into walls and tripping over rocks. Now he could hear the growls and clanks of several other mobs behind him.

Eight glowing red eyes jumped out in front of him and caused him to skid to a stop, Seto panicked wildly and looked around. At the last minute Seto thought he saw the faintest glimmer of a light. He slashed at the spiders in front of him and ducked, narrowly missing the arrow that soared above him.

"Help! Help" He called out as he ran towards the light he was sure was getting brighter. Seto's running led him straight into the tall reaches of a ravine, his feet barely stopped in time as he neared the ravine's edge. Across from him was the source of the light he had seen, a mineshaft, with a single torch placed upon its walls.

He was surely doomed! He had nothing to build over with, and now he was trapped at a dead end. He looked back and immediately was faced with an oncoming arrow. Seto ducked and it flew over his head, without a second thought he turned back to the edge of the ravine and jumped.

Seto's eyes remained scrunched and closed, he wasn't sure what he was hoping for, and honestly he wasn't even sure why he had jumped. Now that he thought about it, his decision was completely reckless and stupid, and he was probably falling to his death now.

It didn't take Seto too long to realize he should've gone splat on the ground by now. He took a quick peek and realized he was on solid ground, and the soles of two red boots were in his sights. Seto gasped and looked up; there in front of him was the general grinning at him.

Falling to Rise [Book 1 of Fate]Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora