I walked into the office then down the hall towards some of the offices. I walked to the end to my boss' office. I walked in and saw him sitting there on his phone. He looked up, "Are you needing something?"

I nodded as I took a seat in one of the chairs in front of his desk. He set his phone down, "What's going on?"

"I was wanting to let you know that my wife and I recently found our she's pregnant. I want to be at every appointment so I'll be taking days off for those."

"Congratulations about that but there may be a problem with that."

I shook my head, "How can there be a problem with it? I have some days left."

"I'm sure you're right but I'm not sure we'll always have subs available."

I shook my head, "Then that's not my problem. I'm not missing being with my wife during this time."

He nodded, "That's understandable. We'll figure things out then."

He's better figure things out. I won't be missing out on things because of something so stupid. I'm spending that time with Allison. She needs me and I need to be with her during this. I'm going to do the best I can with everything. I never really had anyone other than Dan show me to do things like this and I wasn't really around then. 

I didn't really miss much of my class. I figured I wouldn't. I'm just happy I didn't have to start teaching as soon as I walked back in. 

The lunch bell rang and all the students walked out. I walked to the cafeteria and grabbed something for lunch before walking back to my classroom. I walked in and noticed Lindsey wasn't in here anymore. I'm fine with that. I don't really like being around her. I started eating when I felt my phone start vibrating in my pocket. I pulled it out and saw Allison's name on the screen. I hope every things is okay. I'm sure that it is. I answered, "Is everything alright, love."

She giggled, "Yes."

As she said that I noticed Lindsey walk back in. I shook my head, "Do you need anything, love?"

"Well I was wondering if you could stop and get me something from the store on your way home."

"Okay, what do you want?"

"Pickles and ice cream."

I can't help but chuckle. That sounds disgusting. I'll get her whatever she wants. "What kind of ice cream do you want?"


I chuckled, "Okay I'll get it on my way home."

"Thank you, babe."

I can't help but smile hearing her say that, "Your welcome, love."

"How is your day?"

"Good. Did you sleep in?"

"Yeah, I just got up about an hour ago."

"You looked so peaceful. I didn't want to wake you up."

She giggled, "Stop being cute."

I chuckled, "Okay, I'll be home later, love."

She mumbled, "Don't forget my ice cream and pickles."

I chuckled, "I won't. I love you."

"I love you."

We got off the phone and I slid it back into my pocket. I went back to eating when Lindsey asked, "Was that your wife."

I just nodded as I continued to eat. She mumbled, "Why does she need ice cream?"

I sort of glared at her. This all really none of her business. Maybe she'll leave me alone. I swallowed my bite of food, "My wife is pregnant and that's what she wants with pickles so I'm going to get it for her."

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