I hum. "What about the ride that spins you around?"

His eyebrow slowly raises, staring at me. "In a skirt?"

Mumbling incoherently underneath my breath, I try to find something that would be fine. "I can just tuck it under my legs. I guess I didn't really think this out well."

"If you accidentally flash us," Link says, serious, "do not tell Dominic."

We keep a light conversation while I eat all the food I had ordered. My stomach was hurting by the time I finish, both boys staring at me in shock while girls walk by with a disgusted look on their face. Licking the barbecue off of my thumb, I only smile back at them, not phased at all. We go on rides until it's midnight, my head spinning as we laugh and stumble forward. We try to think of another ride to go on when my eyes travel to Dominic, a goofy smile on my face. His eyes darken when he sees my attire, a very small smirk on his face, and then closes the distance between us.

"Do you mind if I steal Lia for a ride?" he asks.

"Not at all. We need to be heading home soon anyway." Link tells him.

"Do you want to borrow my Jeep?" I ask.

"Nah, thanks though. I'll just call us a taxi after we go on one last ride."

I hug Link goodbye, waving at Eric, and give Dom my full attention. He smiles down at me, eyes glimmering in the neon lights, and lowers his head to press a kiss to my lips. "Come on. Let's go get on the ferris wheel."

I take his hand and follow him, talking to him about everything that happened after he left. At the mention of the food, he bursts out laughing, shaking his head and muttering something about how only I would do that. His arm rests behind me when we sit, me nestled into his side, and he sighs.

"There's an issue that I need to bring to your attention."

I look up at Dominic, moving a bit so we could face each other. "Is everything okay?"

"Please don't act out when I tell you this." When I nod, he takes a deep breath, pulling me back to his side. "I went to talk to Cole about the rumor on someone attacking my pack. It seems to go a lot deeper than I originally thought. I want to ask you if we can make this –us – a secret. I can't risk you being hurt."

I frown. "You haven't really asked me out, Dom, so there isn't much to keep secret."

"That's what I was going to do when I saw you."

The grin is slow to grow on my face, yet I remember the words that he told me. "I will do whatever you ask me to do."

His smile is small, sad, and he buries his hand into my hair as he kisses me. Our kiss moves in sync, his arms wrapping protectively around my waist, and I sigh against his lips. "What's wrong, sweetheart?"

I chew on my lip. "Does this mean we can't hang out?"

"We can. We just can't kiss or hold hands in public. In the inside of your house, or mine is another story."

The darkness in his eyes causes my stomach to flip, the charming smile making my heart beat faster. He tucks a strand of hair behind my ear and grabs my hand to help me out, letting it go right after. Even though part of me wants to grab it, I resist the urge and lean against my Jeep, looking up at him.

"So what now?" I ask.

He smirks. "More kisses at your place?"

"Your pack doesn't need you right now?"

He shakes his head, getting into his own car that was parked beside mine, and winks. "I'll see you there."

The drive to my house was spent rubbing my lips that were swollen with his kisses and thinking about the situation of a possible war. Dominic's car was in front of me, a low glow on the inside, and I could see that he was currently on the phone with someone. I unlock the door and leave it unlocked for when he came in, heading upstairs to change. I daydream about his kisses when I change, pulling on apair of fluffy pants and one of my older tee shirts.

Just as I turn around, I yelp at the sudden appearance of Dominic. His grin is lopsided yet it doesn't meet his eyes, pulling me to him by my waist. Even though I knew we had been this close before, it causes my face to burn redder than my hair knowing that we were now –technically – together as a couple.

"Lia," he whispers. "You really need to learn to shut your door when you change."

My mouth drops open and I hide my face in his chest. "What did you see?"

Chuckling, he presses kisses from my shoulder up to my jaw, bringing a whole round of shivers through me. "You are wearing a very cute, lacy pair of pink panties. Your bra was matching until you took it off."

"Oh my god. Why didn't you just wait downstairs?"

He tenses at that. "I'm staying here tonight. Someone told me there was a rogue watching your house and may attack."

I curse underneath my breath, looking up at Dominic as he guides me to the bed. His smile is genuine, full of so much emotion, that I lean into him as he hovers over me, the softness of the bed underneath me. His fingers brush my cheek and grab my chin, pulling me up to kiss him.

I feel his heart beating fast underneath my fingertips, focusing on the way he holds my waist. He pulls away, panting, and I feel the restraint in his jeans when he leans over me. "Lia."

We look at one another, his eyes dark and matching my own. Instead of answering him, I pull him down by his shoulders, kissing him hard. For years I had imagined this happening, and yet the physical thing was so much better than my hopeless fantasies. He groans against me, burying his face into my neck, and I grip the edge of his shirt.

"Lia, we don't have to do anything."

I stare at him through my lashes, shaking my head. "It's okay. I lost my virginity when I was fifteen. I'm past the point of being modest. I want this."

He slowly nods, teeth nipping at my skin when I finally get his shirt off. He was well built, leaning over me by at least a foot, and his muscles flex with each movement that he made. We undress one another slowly, getting familiar with the unknown territory, and his body moves lovingly against my own. His hands move expertly, pulling me closer by my thigh, lips leaving love bites along every exposed part that he could get to.

I grip his shoulders, panting against his neck, and let out a soft whimper when he hits the right spot. "Lia, am I hurting you?" he whispers, slowing to a stop to look at me.

I stare up at him, seeing the glow he had with his cheeks pink. Our bodies, naked and warm, slowly move apart as he leans up. "No, I'm okay."

He smiles at me, nodding, and causes me to moan by pulling me to him by my legs. I tilt my head back, hands gripping his arms, and feel myself get close with each movement that he made. A low, territorial growl comes out of his throat, teeth nipping at my skin as if he wanted to mark me. When I arch against him, body tingling from the release, he's quick to pull out and pant against my chest with his own.

His gaze is warm, tired, but I can suddenly see every emotion that he felt in his eyes. When we lay next to one another, gazing with smiles on our faces, he pulls me close to him. I laugh, trying to move away, yet he growls in warning.

"I just need a shower," I whine.

"May I join you?" he whispers, eyes dark with a mischievous grin on his face.

"If I say no, you're going to anyway, aren't you?"

"More or less."

 Laughing, I drag him with me, suddenly feeling whole for the first time in my life.

Bite Me, Wolfy. (Rated R)Where stories live. Discover now