Explanations and shootings

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Bare with me people. I know my grammar sucks really bad and I do have an excuse. I'm dyslexic and autistic so leave me be. I just found out like five minutes ago but still. I'll try to concentrate more when I write but it might not work well so sorry.

"So, how are you shorter than me?" Sera asks, circling the room.

"A witch. I played poker and won and he had to take height off of me to make Sam Dean and bobby their normal height. I can make myself any height though since I was born in this vessel. My soul was transformed into an Angels grace after I was born." Was my response.

"How did you become an angel?" Sera stops pacing and looks at me, then continues.

"When I was young, I got really sick. An angel came to my mother and asked her if she wanted her to heal me. And in exchange I would become heavens bitch when I turned 14. I'm still 13 though, so I'm suppose to turn soon. Although, I'm not heavens bitch. More like heavens my bitch." I explain.

"And whys that?"

"I'm the strongest angel in all existence. I'm Michael, Lucifer, and Gabriel combined. And then some."

"How did you become the most powerful, yet youngest, angel?"

"Well, I died a while back. And God brought me back with some of his grace."

"Oh." She couldn't think of anything else to say.


I spent a while explaining things to sera until I got bored of having to explain things and just pushed all the information into her head by using my two fingers. Shortly after, we arrived back at the bunker. It took about two days to get there and that was with Dean driving fast. The entire time I was giving Sera information.

"So your uncle is afraid of clowns?" Sera asked, baffled.

"Out of everything you learned, that's the only thing that you pay attention to?" I ask, giving her a shocked face.


"You are one strange child."

"Hell yeah. Are we going to school tomorrow?" Sera asked.

"I guess. So we can officially take us out of school. I need to change my size though one sec." I said and made myself 6' agin.

"Dean! We're going to school tomorrow." I say to Dean.

"I know baby. I've already enrolled you." He says.

"Baby? Are you too a thing?" Sera asks pointing in between me and Dean.

"No. God no. Ever since Dean and Sam found me, Dean took on the 'father' role. Hasn't done a great job if I do say so myself." I say. "He's uncle Sammys brother."

"Oh so he's like your other uncle? Did your dad have two brothers?" Sera asks obviously confused.

"Nope. Well actually yes. One half brother and then Sam. But nope he's not my uncle."

"Well if he's not your uncle who is he."

"My dad."

"Why didn't you just say that?"

"Because I don't see him as my dad, Sera."

"Who do you see as your dad?"

"Remember Garth?"


"He was the most father like. He was my uncle on my moms side. Her brother."



We drove up to the school ad hopped out. When we were walking up we saw a really shady looking girl. She straed at sera and I  until we looked away.

We got to our first class and everything was going fine. When we were making our way to the second class, the same girl shut and locked all the doors and pulled out a gun. She shot sera in the forehead and she dropped dead (sorry sera). She shot me in the heart and I approached her. She got a scared look and kept shooting me. I kept moving forward. She shot me in the forehead and I healed myself.

"HOW ARE YOU NOT DEAD!" She screamed and started to cry.

"My friend may be dead. She was human. I'm not. I'm an angel of the lord. The most powerful angel to be exact." I say. I put my hand to her forehead and smite her. She screams as a white light bursts from her eyes and mouth. I turn around to see people leaning over seras lifeless body.

"I-I-I'm calling the cops. They need to take her away." The principal stated motioning to the two dead girls.

"That won't be necessary." I say with a straight face. I turn in circles to see everyone in shock. The looks quickly turn to frightened. "No need to be afraid. Not all angels are dicks. Some of you look surprised. The quiet girl you use to bully has a big secret huh? Yeah. That's what I though."

I flick my wrist and the girls body vanishes. I walk over to sera and her friends stand in front of her, guarding her body. I point my finger at them and slowly move them up and to the side, gently setting them down. I kneel next to sera and place my two fingers on her forehead. She quickly gasps for breath and the bullet hole is gone.

"That's all." I say and the doors fly open. I walk out with sera by my side. I fly her to the hotel and we pack up our stuff to leave.

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