Not long into the kiss she pulled away when I saw her smile. God I love that smile. I'll never get tired of it. I wish I could see her smile more often. She softly pecked my lips, "I need to get up, babe.

I tightened my arms around her, "I know. I just don't want you to go."

I can tell she's thinking about not going. She should go though. I know she needs to get fitted for the dress. I'm just being selfish. I felt her cup my cheek in her hand as she started caressing it with her thumb. She lightly pecked my lips again, "I'll come home as soon as I can, babe. It shouldn't take that long."

I sighed, "I know. I'm just being a little selfish."

She just shook her head, "No you're not. You just want to spend time with me."

I don't really know what to say to her. She treats me so much better than I deserve. Especially after all the things I've done in my life. Almost everything I've done is selfish. Me making sure she was with me and no one else is the most selfish things I've done. I just can't bare the thought of losing her.

My thoughts were interrupted by her lightly pecking my lips, "I'm going to get ready."

I just nodded as she moved out of my arms then off our bed. I can't help but look at her. She's so beautiful and the most amazing girl I've ever met. I'm way to selfish to give her up. Not letting her get away may be the most selfish thing I could ever do. I need her. I need her more than anything.

Allison's POV

Louis being the way he has been this morning is making it hard on me to leave. I don't really want to go but I know I have to. I would rather spend the day with him in bed with his arms wrapped around me. I'll come back as soon as I can though. I'm sure he knows that.

As I finished getting ready I walked back into our bedroom when I saw him still laying in bed with a slight smirk on his face. I can't help but smile a little. I'm not really surprised. He always does that. I kind of like it though. I would rather him look at me than anyone else. I've never seen him look at other girls though. It's probably good that I haven't. I know it would make me upset.

I don't want think about that. I shook my head before walking over by him. He intertwined our fingers, "I'm going to miss you, love."

I can't help but smile hearing him say that. It sounds nice hearing someone say that. I never really heard that from anyone before him. I squeezed his hand, "I'll miss you too. I shouldn't be too long though."

"Can you stop and get us some food on the way back?"

I nodded, "When I get back in spending the rest of the day in your arms."

I noticed him smile, "I love you."

I can't help but smile hearing that. I always do. I can't help it. Just hearing him say that makes me happy. "I love you. I'll be back soon."

I softly pecked his lips before pulled away from him. I was almost out of the room when he mumbled, "Be careful, love."

I looked back, "I will."

He smiled a little as I walked out. I really hope she doesn't keep me there too long. I really do want to spend time with Louis. We haven't really had a day where we can stay him and just be together and awhile. Well except for the day Louis had off because of what happened with Lindsey. I guess that sort of counts but we ended up sleeping most of the day.

I pulled into the parking lot of the dress shop. I noticed my father's car sitting outside. I can't believe I'm going to his wedding next week. I'm still upset with the way he handled things. I guess I should let it go for one night. Erica isn't bad either. It's just that she's not that much older than me. It just seems a little weird to me.

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