"I came here to save your sexy ass." I whispered and she started sobbing.

"I-I'm sorry...I'm sorry Harris," Tania dug her fingers on my shirt, trembling so bad between my hands. "I...I hurt Lucas he might..."

"Lucas...he's dead." She stiffened and I hugged her closer.


"It's alright he doesn't hate you..." I entangled my fingers on the strands of her hair, comforting her as much as I could. "I believed it." She pulled away from me and stared deep into my eyes.

"No Harris, listen." She cupped my face between her small hands.

"What?" I asked confused as she stared at me seriously.

"Lucas is not dead." My eyes widened from that.

"huh?! What are you saying?"

Did I hear her right? Wait! I heard her correctly, right?!

"He's not dead. There's no way I'll kill him-"


"Look, I only stabbed him with a drug to stop his heart from beating for a whole day." She explained. My head is still processing her words.

"He's not dead..." My eyes watered up as I smiled widely. Lucas is freaking alive! "Are you sure?" She nodded, smiling sadly.

"Yeah, there's still two more hours before he wakes up. Didn't Hhans tell you that?" She asked, confused and I shook my head. "That idiot, anyway I have no other choice but to do it... I hesitated. If it's you or Lucas I'll save first." She almost mumbled. "I chose Lucas and I'm sorry."

I stared at her.

"It's fine, I'll probably do the same since Lucas would obviously die first if he's here anyway." I said jokingly and Tania nodded in agreement.

"He surely will." She chuckled a bit and I smiled.

"But why Tania?" I asked and she sighed.

"I'm a traitor. I won't avoid the truth but I changed my mind... I can't bear it when you and Lucas were sent to the hospital in critical states." She bit her lower lip. "I don't want to feel that pain again so I asked Hhans for help. Things are going as planned but my brother caught me and locked me here." She clenched her fist.


"Harris, please don't hate my brother." She begged. "He's just in so much pain... He doesn't know what he's doing." She grabbed my arms desperately. "He needs me, that's why I agreed to do this. If he loses me...he'll go insane."

Well, he obviously lost it but-

"Please try to understand him, he lost not only his mate...but also his twin." My eyes widened. "Cecil was bearing his offspring when they killed her. He's alone and empty." She sobbed. "So please don't hate him..."

"Shh..." I hushed her before brushing my fingers on her hair once again. "It's alright, I can understand." She smiled as she hugged me tightly.

"Harris...thank you so much!" She sniffed. "Harris... Please help me to stop Master Liam, I know once he sees Roel, he'll kill him immediately." She shook her head. "Don't let him kill my brother..." I nodded.

"I won't don't worry..." I patted her head. "I won't let anything happen to your brother but first," I looked around the room where we were.

It's a very small room with no windows at all. I'm currently laying down on a very dirty table. The place looks too old and everything in here is full of dust. The only way out is the metal door that seems locked from the outside. "How can we get out of here?"

FIND ME (BXB)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora