Chapter 28

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Clarke POV.

I was really shocked about the surprise that Bellamy and Lincoln gaved us. But that is the best surprise that someone ever gaved me. We were still in the resturant. We just sat and talked about what was going to happen next. About witch date we are going to move to Albuquerque. Because we need to do that before my little babies are coming. I'm really looking forward it. Octavia started to talk about names for the babies. She couldn't stop talking about it when we came into that subject. She talkes so much about it, that's it sounds like she never meet a baby before.

-Do you have any names? We now know that it's a little boy and a little girl so I'm suggesting Josh Bellamy Jr Blake. Or maybe, Ryan Bellamy Jr Blake. And for the little girl Hope Olivia Clarke Blake. What do you guys think? Do you like it? Or do you not like it? I hope that you like these ideas. Please say that you like it. At least I like it. Octavia said really fast.
-I like the ideas. Let me think about some other names to. I said
-I agree with princess. But we will think about those names to. Bell said

*Later this evening*

Everybody were really tierd so we went up to our rooms. Before I went to bed me and Bell shared a shower. My bump are really big now. The babies are coming really soon. A few days ago, me and Bellamy went to the doctors for another ultrasound. The babies are still healthy. I really want to get birth in Albuquarque. That are going to be better for everybody so that we don't need to stress so much.

After the shower we went to bed. Before I fell asleep on Bellamy's bare chest, I felt Bellamy's lips on my forehead. It was a gentle kiss. I could hear hm mumble "I love you princess". He is so sweet. To know that he is just mine now is an amazing feeling. I know that he feels the same. He doesn't need to say it, because I can see it in the way he is looking at me all the time.

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