Chapter 15

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Bellamy POV.
I talked to the doctors and they told me that Clarke wasn't aloud to go home yet. They wanted her to stay on more night. Or two. But I made a deal with them. We are going to call the doctors as fast as Clarke feels that something is wrong. I told them that me and Octavia are going to take care of Clarke and that she is safe with us. So they said that it was okay. They usually doesn't allud people with memory lost go home so earlier than they should. When I walked into Clarke's room in the hospital and told her that she could come home with me and Octavia she jumped into my arms. I loved it. That Clarke was back in my arms. Even if she doesn't remember much. It still feels good.
-Easy easy princess. I said and hugged her back.
-Yeah, your right. She said and smiled.
-Are you ready to come home with us? Octavia asked
-Let me think. Yes I am.
-Good. I said and kissed her on the cheek.
-What was that for? Clarke asked confused
-Well, I used to do that a couple times before. But both of us got confused and then I don't really know. I said and smiled
-Oh, okay. Clarke said and blushed
-Your blushing. I said and smirked
-No, I'm not.
-Yes you are princess.
-No, I didn't
-You are still really stubborn
-And you are annoying Blake
-That's the Clarke I know. The stubborn, funny and beautyful princess I said and smiled and Clarke blushed again
-I'm still not blushing. She said and smiled
-Yes you are princess. But just let say that you are right.
-Do you even know that I'm hear? We heard Octavia said
-Let's go home now guys. I said and smiled
-Come on then. Clarke and Octavia said in sync

We all walked to the car. Clarke sat in the back seat, meanwhile I was the one that were supposed to drive and Octavia sat down besides me. Clarke just sat in the back seat of the car and looked out off the window. She looked so lost but in the same time not. It was so painful seeing Clarke like this. Me and Octavia talked for a while. After a while, I looked back at Clarke. She had fall asleep. I stoped at McDonald's drive way.
-O, do you want something to eat?
-Just take something for me. I'm really hungry. And you can take two cheese burgers and a milkshake to Clarke. She likes vanillia best.
-Okay. Something else?
-No, I don't think so.
-Okay, your paying for the food O.
-What? No, I'm not going to do that
-I'm just kidding.
-You are so annoying.
-Thanks. I said and smiled
I payed for the food and we drove home to Clarke and Octavia's student house. When we parked the car at an empty parking lot, Octavia took the food and walked to the room. I looked back at Clarke. She was still asleep. I can understand why. I didn't want to Wake her up. She looked so peaceful and beautiful. So instand off waking her, I wrapped my arms around her and lift her up in my arms. When I closed the car door and locked the car, Clarke wrapped her arms aroound my neck and started to mumble something. I couldn't hear what she was mumbling. I walked in the student house to her room. All the Girls looked at us. They probably doesn't know what happened. And it's best if they don't, for Clarke's sake. A girl walked against us. I know who it is. Roma. I hate her. She is the most annoying, selfish girl I ever meet.
-So, is it true? Has the famous one night stand Bellamy Blake start to dating girls now? This girl, whatever her name is, is a slut. She said and pointed at Clarke 
-Shut up Roma! She isn't a slut. And she never will be. The only slut here is you Roma. So back off.
-That hurt. She said and looked annoyed
She isn't aloud to talk about Clarke like that. Nobody is! I thought. I looked down at Clarke. I don't want them to hurt her.  I know that I want Clarke to be more than just a friend. They would hate Clarke so much if me and Clarke were dating. But I don't really know what is going to happen. She doesn't remember. I opened the door to the room. Octavia had already start to eat. I layed down Clarke on the bed. She really need to rest. After I layed Clarke on the bed, I walked over to Octavia what already had start to eaten.
Me and Octavia sat and talked meanwhile we were eating. We let Clarke sleep instand. We Heard somebody mumble. Both off us looked over at Clarke's bed. She mumble something. We stoped eating and listen to what Clarke was mumbling about. She said my name. Wait, why did she do that? I looked at Octavia.
-O, does she use to do that?
-To be honest, I don't know.
-Should I Wake her up?
-You can decide.
-Okay, well I will do it. I mean Wake her up.
-What else would you do? O said and smirked
-Very funny O.
I Went over to Clarke's bed and shaked her a Little. She didn't answer or woke up. So I shaked her a Little more. She started to blink a Little, then she opened her Eyes.
-Hey princess.
-Bellamy where am I?
-Your home. Are you hungry? We didn't want to Wake you up, so we let you sleep. You needed it.
-You should Waked me up Blake!
-Haha, that's the princess I know.
-What? She said confused
-You never liked to sleep for a such long time. You Always wanted to do something. never sleep.
-Okay, but can I please have my food now? I'm dying here. I never ate at the hospital. Haven't got any food sence, Before you know, the accident. So bring the food.
-Of course you are getting your food. O, do you have Clarke's good?

Clarke POV.
I had just ate up my food. Bellamy and Octavia had already ate theirs so they just sat at the table with me at looked at me. They we so quiet. I just sat and thought. I'm actually starting to remember more and more. I'm happy because off that. I wished that some of the stuff that are coming back to my memory wasn't coming back. But one thing that I do remember now, is so importent for me. I can't belive that I lost  it for a while. I love Bellamy Blake. I'm in love with him.
Octavia has a Point about what she said back at the hospital earlier. I need to tell Bellamy that. If not, I don't know what's going to happen. She is right again. I'm not happy without Bellamy. I need him in my Life. More than just a friend. After I ate up my food, Iwent into the bathroom and texted Octavia. Why did I do that? She was right next to me. I Went out off the bathroom and into the Little kitchen that she and Bellamy was still in.
-I need to go and see Lincoln. Clarke are you okay without me being here? She said and smiled. I now what she is talking about.
-Yeah, of course I am.
-Good. She said and hugged me. When she hugged me she whispered "You need to tell him. Tell him now. And I'm actually are going to meet Lincoln. We can take that Movie night some other night."
After that she closed the door and it was just me and Bellamy left. I Went over to my bed and layed down. Bellamy looked at me. He was standing a few meters from me.
-Why are you smiling princess? He said and smirked
-Because, I'm getting my memory back. I don't remember everything yet.
-Oh, that's really good. He said and smiled. I could see that he was unsure about something. He is afraid of something right now. I can see that to.
-You don't seems to be so happy about it? I said
-Of course I'm happy for you. One with, your parents was on there way here Before when you were still at the hospital. I called them and  told them that they doesn't need to come. I said that we are coming next weekened. I can drive you to them? If you want me to? And if you want to, I can come with you in and we can talk with them, together?
-Of course I want you.....em.....em with me. I said and blushed.
-You are blushing again princess.
-To many questions.
-That was the second question.
-Yeah princess. What is it? He asked with a soft voice.
-Can you stay with me? If you want to?
-Of course princess. Give me some place in that bed. He said and smirked
-The bed is to small. I said and smirked
-Haha, really funny. But give me some place there.
-Sure. I said and Bellamy layed down beside me.
I'm not so sure if I'm going to tell him. I need to tell him now. But Before I even got the chance, he started a Movie. I didn't want to Watch a Movie. All I wanted right now was Bellamy. I do remember that Octavia told me like a thousand times Before the accident that he loved me. But it's hard to belive in someway. All I did was looking at him, he just looked at that damn tv screen. He was so stunning. He was so good looking. I couldn't take my Eyes off him. It's imposible. I don't know what just happened to me but I mumbled "I love  you". Omg, did I just said that out loud?
-What? Bellamy said really shocked.
-Noo-nooothing. I said low and looked away.
-Come on Clarke. Say it out louder so that I can hear it.
-I don't just love you Bellamy. I'm in love with you Bellamy Blake. I said and looked away.
-Clarke look at me.
I turned my head so that I could face him again. I can't belive that I just told Bellamy that I'm in love with him. I can't stand the awkwardness in this room right now. Befoe I could say something more, well I don't really know what I would say but I could feel Bellamy's lips on mine. It can't be true. Does he love me back? He didn't said in. But if he didn't he wouldn't kissed me. I kissed him back. I could feel his lips on my jaw, down my neck. He didn't stop kissing me for a minute. This is the most Amazing feeling I ever had. I was on top of Bellamy now. I wrapped my legs around his waist. Bellamy undressed me and I undressed him. I have never want someone as much as I want Bellamy Blake. I don't know why we waited so long for this. Bellamy stoped for a second to Catch his breath again. It was just for like five seconds. He started to kiss me again. I don't want hom to stop. I could feel our bodies against each other. We rolled over and Bellamy was on top off me now. Bellamy started to kiss the lower part of my body. He kissed my tight, I loved it. He was right between my legs. I didn't though clearly. Meanwhile he kissed me he looked up at me and I just nod. I wanted him. This was right. I was ready for this.

A/N: Hey guys, I really hope that you like the story so far. It means so much for me that you are reason this story. Comment you thought about the story if you want. That means alot!

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