Chapter 18

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Octavia POV.
I really hope that Bellamy are going to talk to Clarke and change her mind about moving home. This night I stay with Lincoln. He doesn't have a own house or a room in a student house. Because he's family is living here so he's still living home. Even if he doesn't like it so much. I'm staying with Lincoln because I don't want to go back to my student room. Maybe Clarke is home and Bellamy is with her or she might already left. If she has, I know that Bellamy is going to go out and drink so that he's going to have the worst hangover tomorrow. And he is probably going to do something really stupid. And I truly doesn't like to see him so depressed. I stood beside the window and looked down when Lincoln came into the room.
-Hey baby, do you want something to eat? Lincoln asked
-No thanks.
-Okay, tell me if you are hungry later.
-Sure, but can I ask you a question?
-Of course you can
-What would you do if I was the one that was pregnant? I asked and faced Lincoln
-What? He looked shocked by my question
-Just answer
-Of course I would do anything for you. I would be there for you and surpport you. Nothing else would matter as long as the baby and you are healhy and happy. And if you would Think that something is hard and that you are tierd or something like that. I would and will be there for you and help you. And even if you aren't pregnant, I would be here for you. Do you know why? Because I am in love with you Octavia Blake.
-That's were really sweet. And I'm in love with you to Lincoln.
Lincoln lift me up and carried me over to his bed. He wrapped his arms around me and pulled me closer to him. I love him, was the last thing I told myself Before I fall asleep.

*The next morning*
I woke up in Lincoln's arms. This was the best way to Wake up in the mornings. He was still half asleep. I looked at him. He was so relax. He is so sweet and careful with me.
-Good morning baby. He said with a sleepy voice
-Good morning sleepy. I said and smirked
-Hey, a man can also be tierd. He said and kissed my forehead
-Haha, I know. I really must meet Bellamy. I really need to talk to him if he screw up more things. He is going to pay for it if he did. And I need to pick up some stuff at my room. Are you following with me? You can drive. And we can buy something to eat on the way to my room.
-Sure. Let me change clothes fast.
-Yeah yeah, do that.

*One hour later*
Lincoln parked the car at a free parking lot. We got the last parking lot Before Another guy did. The one that drove the other car got really mad. I can understand him. But I don't care. I just looked at him and laugh. Lincoln dragged me away Before I could make him even more angry. We Went in the halls so that we could pick up some stuff in my room Before I'm going to Bellamy's to talk with him. All the Girls in the coridor looked at me with an weird expression.
-What is your problem? I yelled
-Your big brother. A girl spit
-What's wrong with him? I asked sarcastic
-We Heard that he made a girl pregnant! I Heard Roma say. I hate her!
-Yeah, so what? He is not who you think he is.
-Why and whre did the famouse Bellamy Blake dissappeird? He was so good in bed. But now he has start to date that slut. What's her name again? Clarke? No wait, it's princess.We hate her and we don't like the new Bellamy Blake.
-You are so going to regret that. I yelled and pushed Roma against the wall.I slaped her over her face a couple of times. I have seen Clarke done it before. So I new exactly how to do it. More Girls came and looked at what was going on. I wasn't the kind off girl what beat people up. I kicked her a couple times in the side of her body. Until I felt some strong arms around me and dragged me away. She isn't aloud to call Bellamy and Clarke things like that. If she did, she has to deal with me. I wanted to hurt her more than I did. Lincoln dragged me into the little kitchen,
-What are you doing? I asked Lincoln
-Stoping you. But look at Clarke's bed.
-He change her mind! I said happy and low. I don't want to Wake them up.
-Yeah, that's really good.
-Ew, the slept together!
-They are probably together again. Thanks to you. If wouldn't talked to Bellamy yesterday. Clarke might wouldn't be here right now.
-Yeah, your right. And that's so good that they are together again.
-O, we didn't bought breakfast. You promised. Lincoln said and smiled
-Fine, we can eat here.
-Okay, if you want to.

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