Chapter 10

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Clarke POV.
I woke up in Bellamy's strong arms. This was the second time that I woke up like this. And I actually really like it. I wish that we can do it often. And not hide our feelings from each other. That would be so much easier. And I would be so much happier. I went up and took a long shower. I let the water stream over my body. I thought about our talk yesterday. I smiled for myself. I went out off the shower and wrapped a towel around my body. I forgot my clothes in my room. Damn it! I hope that Bellamy is still asleep when I came back. I went into my room. Good, Bellamy was asleep. Me and Octavia had a walk in closet, so I just decided to change clothes fast in there. I choosed a tanktop, skinnny jeans and boots. When I was finished I made my hair. I put some make up on my face. I didn't really like make up, but I use it anyway. I was now finished so I also decided now that I will go and bought two cups off coffee. We had like a little cafe in the conor off our student house there me and Octavia lived together. I thought that I could wake Bellamy after I bought the coffee and were back in our dorm. Later after that I bought the coffee, I went in the halls in our student house. All the girls whispered and laugh when I walked past them. I really do think that they laught and talked about me. That made me both angry and a bit sad. Because I hate when people talk about me behind my back and that also made me a bit sad and angry because I already has to deal with other things and I don't know what they says about me. Now I just hope that Bellamy is still in my room. He is probably asleep. Right?

A/N: I'm sorry that this chapter was so short.

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