Chapter 5

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Bellamy POV.
I know what I did was really stupid and that Clarke doesn't deserve me as a friend. I'm not good for her or any other girl. And I have no idea how to treat a girl. I'm upset over myself right now. I can't belive that I screw up Everything. Again! That makes me even more angry at myself.
Yesterday I was in Clarke and Octavia's room. I was really drunk, but I can still remember Everything. I can't get it out off my head. She really scared me when she said "you have no idea what I can do". And I never get scared. And that isn't the Bellamy Blake I know. Except when something is wrong with Octavia. I can't Think clear anymore. I am so complicated. I can't let anyone in. If I do, I might hurt them. Still I can't believe that I actually obeyed Clarke. That is even more scary.
It was monday and I walked in the halls in the school. I saw Clarke standing with Miller and talking. They laughed. I'm so much more relax when I know what they are for each other. I started to walk against them. I was beside them now. I know what I am going to say.
They turned around and was going to walk away when they saw me. I'm feeling like a real looser right now. How can I even Think or feel like this? It's a new and really weird feeling. I mean, that is not me. Not Bellamy Blake, right?
-Guys, wait. I want to say something. I said low.
-What is it Blake? said Clarke with  anger in her voice.
-First of all, I just want to say that I'm really sorry for almost beating you up Miller. I really mean it. I am sorry. You may not believe me. And I can understand that. But, sorry. Thank you Clarke for stoping me. I said. This is more awkward when I thought it would be.
-it's okay. But still I can't believe what your problem is. I was just talking to my cousin. But it's okay. And I can't believe that you actually sorry for once. Miller said. I am really happy that Miller forgave me. He is one of my best friends.
-And Clarke, I am really sorry for hurting you. And I'm sorry for grabbing you so hard that you got hurt. I know that it isn't an excuse, but I was really drunk. And the reason that I was drunk is really stupid. I don't want you to Think that I am some sort of monster or anything like that. And I never mean to hurt you. I know that I treated you in the wrong way. And that I failed my chance to be your friend. And I just ask for a second chance. And I promise to not hurt you. And I know that you are right. The way I'm treating Girls is wrong. I will try to be better. I said and tried to smile
-It's okay. And yes, you get one last chance. So don't do anything to make me regret that I gaved you one last chance. Okay?
-Okay. I said and smiled

Clarke POV.
Bellamy really tried to be nice. And treat people better. Special Girls like I told him to. I started to get jealous everytime when I see Bellamy talking or make a move on some other girl. I know that Bellamy actually just want them in bed. I hated that thought. But I can't help that I get jealous evertime that he is around a girl. But I still Think that he is a jackass. But now he is a less jackass. I layed in my bed and made my homework when Octavia came inside our room. I could see in her Eyes that she had some real news and gossip. She love gossip.
-OMG, Clarke! You can't believe what just happened. You should have seen it. I almost started to laugh when I saw it. You should been there.
-Just tell me O. I really want to know. I said. This is getting intresting. And I haven't even Heard one single Word about what happened.
-Okay okay. He slaped her in the face. She said and laugh
-Bellamy slaped Roma in the face. I was really shocked. He never does that. I Heard Everything.
-Tell me more. Because I did tell him to treat girls better.
-You know that you never have wanted to know gossip Before.
-But tell me now O. I want to know.
-Okay, So this girl named Roma come up to Bellamy after last period of the school day. She asked if they should go to the party tomorrow. Bellamy said no. And you know that he never says no to parties. That's really weird that he said no. But keep listening Clarke.
-I'm still listening.
-Anyway, so she asked him again and he said no once again. And because he said no she told Bellamy that she could offer him something. And you know what she meant by that. But he also said no to that. And now she started to get really annoyed. So Roma said "It's because of her, isn't it?". Bellamy didn't said anything. Instand he slapped her in the face and walked away. He has never done something like that. And I know that you told him that he should treat Girls better. But she really made him angry. He really has change in some weird and probably good way. He is weird. You know what I mean with that. I'm going to ask him more about this next time I see him.
-Well, I still really don't know him. I mean in the way you do. And if you say that something is changing him. Then I believe you. But as you said, that seems really weird.
-Yeah, since the accident with Miller at Murphy's house at that party, when Bellamy was going to beat up Miller and he Went out of the house instand. He says that you can Control him in some way and that he obeyed you. And if you leave he can't Control himself. What does that even mean? Do you have feelings for each other or what? This is weird. Clarke, you have to do something.
-What? He never obeyed me. I just told Bellamy that he wouldn't beat up Miller and when I told him that, he just pushed him against the wall and Went out. And do you remember that you told me that Bellamy never has one relationship with just one girl? He isn't a such person. And one more thing, why would me and Bellamy have feelings each other? That's just weird, right? I said. Do I have feelings for Bellamy? No, I can't have feelings for him. And why would he have feelings for a girl like me? Boys doesn't like me in that way.
-Well, at least I Think that you guys has feelings for each other. You guys doesn't relize it yet. But you know that he can break your heart. So I'm just warning you Clarke. I don't want anything bad to happen to you. And the day he came in here and was drunk and how you attacked him. I really liked it, because nobody has done that Before. But I do feel sorry for him. This is the first time he actually really looked hurt. You are the only girl he ever listen to. He listen to me sometimes but not that often. And I can see that he cares about you Clarke.

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