Chapter 27

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Bellamy POV.

The whole Ark college need to watch the graduation for the students that finsih their last year. It's actually pretty boring. On the way to school, Clarke just sat and texted with someone. Probably Octavia. And I'm guessing that she is trying to make her tell what we are going to do tonight. The good thing is that Octavia doesn't know the big secret yet. All of this Me and Clarke sat in the car on our way to the school. Everybodyin first and second year at because of Lincoln. And because of that, the four of us as a new chance to start a new life. This is going to be amazing.

*Five minutes later*

Me and Clarke went out of the car. The beginning of this is going to be boring but after the grauduation that we are going to look at, is going to be really fun and awesome. We were going to meet Octavia and Lincoln outside the school. When we turned around a corner we saw two people making out. Octavia and Lincoln. When they stoped for a second I meet Octavia's eyes. She started to blush.
-Oh, hello big brother. She said and blushed
-What are you guys doing? I said and smirked
-Nothing special really. Lincoln said
-I wouldn't belive that. Clarke said and smirked
-Haha, really funny. This is nothing compared to you two. Octavia said and smirk
-Shut up! Clarke said and blush
-Shall we go inside and watch this really boring stuff now? I said'
-Sure. Both Octavia and Clarke said at the exactly same time

*Three hours later*

We all sat in the car on our way to this really cool and amazing restaurant. I know that Clarke gonna love it. She is the only one that doesn't know there we are going right now. Clarke and Octavia sat in the car and talked about girl things and what we should name our little babies when they are coming. I can't still belive that I'm going to be a father. That is unbeliveble actually.
-Bell? I hear CLarke's voice
-Hey princess?
-Where are you guys taking me? Octavia already know. So you can atleast tell me now?
-We are where soon. About three minutes I'm guessing. This is the only part I know about. But Lincoln and Bellamy are going to tell us some big surprise soon. I don't even know what it's about. Octavia say.
-Okay. But please, tell me what the other surprise is. Clarke says
-Not now. I saw and smile
-We are here now. Lincoln says

We all went out of the car. I wrap one of my hands around Clarke's waist. We wet into the resturant. I had already ordered one table here for four person. The four of us sat down. Clarke looked really happy. I could see a smile starts to grow bigger.
-What do you think? I said
-Bell, it's amazing. She answer
-Good, I hoped that you would liked it. I said and kissed her on the cheek.
-How's idea was it that we should go here? Clarke asked
-Mine. O said

A waitress came to our table, so we ordered some food. It took a really long time until the food came. Me and Lincoln didn't want to tell the girls about the big surprise yet. We decide that we should do that meanwhile we ate the food. Both Clarke and Octavia looked so impatient because they want to know what's going on.
-So can you guys tell us now? Octavia said. I could see that she got more and more impatient for every second. I can really understand her.
-Fine we can tell you now. Lincoln says
-Shall you or me tell them? I asked Lincoln
-You can. He said and smiled
-Okay, so this is the surprise that I'm going to tell you guys about. Today we went out the second year. Well, Lincoln finished college for real. Anyway, he has got a job offer. And that job isn't in this city. So we all know that Octavia doesn't want to be without you Lincoln. And Clarke, you told me that you wanted a new start. And we are going to start a new chapter in our life together with our babies. Well, soon when they comes to life. So, both of us talked a lot about this. So, the job offer that Lincoln got is in Albuquerque. I know that you guys maybe want to move somewhere else. But we can promise you guys, that the house is amazing and really big. All of us, including the babies can have so much fun and happiness. Octavia are going to a really amazing college and I know that Clarke has choosed to take a year of from college or never go to college. But we don't need to think about that right now. I know that you Clarke has told me a thousand times that I should go to college. But, I want to be there for you every second. So I have decide that I should take some classes at college. But I will be home most of the time. So that I can be with you and the babies as much as I can. Or I will find a job in Alburquerque so that I don't need to go to college. And remember that this is the city that we need to move to, because Lincoln got a job there. We can't choose another city. We know that this might comes like a little shock, but we hope that you two will love it. When I finished, we could see both Clarke and Octavia's jaws drop. They were quiet for a moment.
-I love it. Clarke said, smiled and wrapped her arms around me and kisses me gentle on my lips.
-This is the most amazing, best and coolest surprise me and Clarke ever got. You guys are the best. You are the best big brother and boyfriend. Octavia said and kissed Lincoln.
-Good. We got worried there for a little second than you didn't say anything. Lincoln said and kissed Octavia back.
-Thank you a thousand times. Clarke said. She was still hugging me.
-It wouldn't matter wherever we move, as long as you guys are with us. Octavia said and smile

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