Chapter 13

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Bellamy POV.
I actually did respect what Miller told me and Octavia. But I really need to see Clarke. And I know that Octavia also need to see Clarke, as much as I need to see her. So, even if Miller said that we shouldn't we did. We saw Clarke laying in her bed. She was asleep. She really looked like a princess. Or, she just tried to sleep. I took a chair and sat down beside Clarke. Octavia did the same. I just looked at Clarke. She was so Beautiful. Why did this happened to her? Why Clarke? We just sat there. Beside Clarke. I don't know for how long. I was holding Clarke's hand. Clarke was moving a little.
-Yeah, no away. Who are you. You can't be here, he will angry. Clarke said. She doesn't know me. And what is she talking about?
-I'm Bellamy and this is my younger sister Octavia. I said and pointed at her.
-I don't remember. But get out off my room. I don't know and never has. She said. What are she talking about? That really hurt.
-No, you know me. I'm Bellamy Blake. Please say that you remember me.
-I don't.
-Do you remember anything?
-Yeah, my boyfriend where here a while ago. Do you know him?
-Your what?
-Jack! My boyfriend. He were here.
-Clarke, you have no boyfriend. You hated Jack. But you are in love. And he is pretty Close to you now.  You just need to remember that. Your memory needs to come back.  I heard Octavia say.
-What? With who? Where we together?
-Well, you never told him that you loved him, but you did. And he never told you that he loved you. He was going to do that, but you were in this accident and lost your memory. And I just want you to know that we were best friends. And even if you don't remember that, you need to know that even if you lost your memory and don't remember me, you will Always be my best friend. But now, I will leave you two to talk. You two need to do that. Octavia told Clarke and Went out off the room.
-So what were we? Clarke asked me and turned around to face me.
-Do you want to know the long or the short story?
-Short. She said and smiled
-Okay, so the first time we meet, you thought that I was the Worlds biggest jackass, and youkinda hated me. Because I was going to beat up Miller. I never know that you two were cousins. Well, half cousins. Before you told me that, I was jealous.You were the first one that ever stoped me from beaten up somebody. After you told me that he is your half cousin, we started to avoid each other, and I couldn't stand that. I felt so weird with out you. You change me. After that, I asked you if you wanted to hang out as friends. But I kissed you on your cheek Before we would hang out. That made both of us confused. Was it going to be a date or not? But we never talked about that. On day, it was your birthday. You didn't want anyone to know that. Because of one special thing. But we can talk about that later when the most of your memory is back. Jack come to your and Octavia's student room. You to are roomates. Best friends. You and Jack made a really big scene. After that you were half broken again. I was with you that night. To be honest, we shared your bed. I liked it. But nothing happened. I didn't want to make you confused. I was already so confused. The day after that, Octaavia told me that you and me could skip school, so we did. We talked for a while, after that you told me that we are "just friends". Later, your mother send you a message. She told you that you should move home. But you didn't want to. You got so upset. I can understand why. I tried to calm you as I alway use to. But this time we started to talk about us. We started to arguing about feelings for each other and that I should be honest. I'm always honest when I'm with you. You made me want to be better. Better for you. The day after that, Octavia told us about this rumor. We were dating. Well, we weren't actually. But somebody on campus started it. You got so upset that you ran out off the room and drove away. We didn't know where you were. I was so scared. I thought that you left me. And I couldn't handle it if you did. I never left your and Octavia's room. But this monday morning, Octavia convinced me to come to school. And I did. I couldn't stop thinking about you. You are so importent to me. The principal told me and Octavia to come to his office. They had find you. The principal told us that you were here. He told us that you had brain damage. I was broken when I heard about this. But it seems that he was wrong when he told us about your brain damage. You don't have any brain damage. You have just lost your memory. They don't know when it will come back. But I hope that it does soon. Really soon. Both me and Octavia need you in our life. You are like a big sister for her.
-I was pretty stubborn?
-Yes, you were really stubborn and tough. I said and smiled
-I actually remember something about a princess. Can you tell me about that? I just remember that I have heard like thousand times. She said and smiled.
-Yeah, I called you that almost Always. But I'm also used to call you Clarke. But I like to call you princess. I Think that it fits you pretty good. You never really liked me Calling you what. And one more thing. It's a guy here at campus that you I can't tell youprincess. You never actually told me. You used to talk with Octavia about stuff like this. I said and smiled. I could see the sadness in her eyes. I stood up and made a move to leave the room.
Yeah princess?
-Can we go home now? I don't like this Place. It's kinda scary. Being here alone.
-I will talk to the doctors. I promise you
-Thank you so much Bellamy. She said and smiled
-Being here for me. 
-You know, you Always told me that when you was unsure or afraid. I said and gaved her a smile. One of thoose smile that she used to love.
-And princess
-Thank you for surviving. I need you in my life. I said and smiled
-I can tell Octavia to come if you want to?
-Yeah, sure

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