Chapter 9

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Bellamy POV.
I had been really shocked about what Miller told me and Octavia. I can't belive what Clarke Went through. I know that I'm going to keep my promise to Milller. I won't hurt Clarke. I won't let anyone hurt her. And if someone tries to, I will be there for Clarke. This night I'm staying at Clarke and Octavia's room. I don't want to leave them. I lay down beside Clarke. I Close my Eyes and kiss her forehead. She layed her head on my chest. She is so peaceful when she is asleep.

*Next morning*
I woke up and Clarke was still asleep. I saw that Octavia were already awake. Making redy for school. I feel like I need to protect both Octavia and Clarke now. I ove them both. Wait, Iknow that I love Octavia because she is my Little sister. But Clarke? Do I love her? I'm falling for her.
-Good morning big brother.
-Good morning O, how long have you been awake?
-Around two hours.
-Isn't she Beautiful when she is asleep. Octavia smiled.
Clarke had her head still on my bare chest and one arm around me. And I had both my arms around Clarke's waist. It was almost no space between me and Clarke now. She was really Beautiful. I kissed her on her lips gentle. I lookedup and Octavia smirked. She saw that.
-Bell, do you know that you were talking meanwhile you were asleep? You talked about Clarke.
-I did?
-Yes Bell, you did. You kinda said that you love her.
-Oh, well I kinda admit for myself right now when  I woke up that I do love Clarke
-You know that you two guys can stay here today. Skip school. I trust you with this Bell.
-What do you mean that you trust me with this? I said confused
-Well, yhink about it so will you relize what I mean. Or do you know what? You already know what I'm talking about.  Now, I'm going to school. So, see you later big brother. Don't say or do anything stupid. You need to take care and be honest when it comes to Clarke. Your jealous princess.
-She is Always jealous when other Girls are around you. It's so abvios. Everybody can see that in her face when you are around somebody else. She just turn around and walk away. And everytime a guy is Walking over to her, you drag her away. Both of you are jealous when somebody else are around.
After that Octavia walked out off the room and closed the door. I thought about the last that she said. I Think she is right. We both are jealous, when it comes to that.
I was going to fall asleep again but Clarke started to mumble and kick her leg. What's happening? I pulled her even closer to me and squeezed her back. She stoped kicking and mumble. Instand she opened her Eyes looked at me and looked confused. I understood why s
he was confused.
-Have we...
-No princess. We haven't. I said soft.
-Okay, good.
-Octavia are in school now. She said that we could take a day off. If you want to.
-Yeah, I want to take a day off. You two know? Miller told you and Octavia?
-Yes, he did. And I promise that I won't leave you even if you want me to. I said and smile
-Good, I could need this now.
-Need what? I asked confused
-You being here with me, as a friend.
I froze when she said "as a friend". That hurt. I can't tell her that I love her now. She just told me that we are friends.

Clarke POV.
Everything has been fine sence Jack was here and made me broke in pieces again. But Bellamy was thre when I woke up and that felt really good. I can't do this without Octavia and Bellamy, Special not without Bellamy. I love him. We are just "friends". I know that he Thinks that I haave no feelings for him. Because the day after Jack was here, I woke up in Bellamy's arms and told him that I needed him here. As friends. When I said that, his whole body froze. He has Always been here for me. And I'm pretty sure that he has feelings for me.
I Went up from my bed. I walked over and looked out from the window. Snow was falling. I love Winter. It was two weeks until christmas day. Octavia are going to spend the christmas with Lincoln. Her new boyfriend. Bellamy didn't like that she was dating him. But he had some respect for him. Lincoln is two years older than Octavia. I had got some more new friends. Their names are, Monty, Jasper, Raven, Wick and Jasper's girlfriends Maya. But I didn't really know her. They are really kind and I really like them. But they are still not as Close as Bellamy and Octavia.
I'm still so tierd so I Went back to bed. It's so quiet right now. I really like these mornings when it's quiet and I just can relax. I couldn't fall asleep again so I Went into the bathroom and took a hot shower and put some new clothes on. I looked at my phone. One text from my mother.
It says: Hey sweetie, I hope that you are fine. Miller told us what happened a couple weeks ago with Jack. Me and your father has talked alot about this and we want you took come home. Start a new college here in our city. You can live with us. It would be so much better for you sweetie.
Love mum.
I got so angry at that text. I throw my phone against the door. Before it crashed into the door somebody opened it. Bellamy. It wasn't meant to be like that. Why is it Always Bellamy that comes in the same time that I don't feel good.
-What are you doing princess? He asked and were shocked
-I just won't do it.
-Do what?
-I won't move home. Never!
-Why would you do that princess?
-My mother Think that it would be best for me. After what happened here with Jack.
-You can't leave. He said with sadness in his eyes
-I won't. I'm going to stay.
I turned around and layed back in my bed. I started to cry. I never use to cry infront of other people. But in someway, everytime I cry, Bellamy is beside me. He is there to help me. Bellamy sat down on the bed.
-What's going on princess?
-I'm turning into someone I'm not. I came here to get a new fresh start. And Everything turned upside down anyway. Jack come and brought the past up again. My mother and father wants me to move home. And I'm struggling ith my feelings for  Bellamy. Wait, did I just said that last part out loud? Infront of Bellamy? He Heard me say it. But I need to deal with my feelings for him some day and that day might be today?
-What did you say princess? He said and was confused
I need to say something, I can't just sit here and be quiet. 
-Well, like I said, I won't sit around here, and let my mother drag me home. And I won't let Jack destroy me again. 
-What about the last part? You need to be honest with me.
-Honest? Like you aren't honest
-What? I'm Always honest when I'm with you.
-When I said that we were just friends. You totally froze and was quiet. After you let og if that hug you left me. What happened with "I will never leave you". And after that first kiss on the cheek, you walked away. You regret it. But you keep doing it over and over again. So don't tell me to be honest here Blake. If you are honest, I'm honest.  

Bellamy POV.
I thought about what Clarke just said. I'm Always honest and Always tell her the truth. But we never talked about this. I'm nervous. Really nervous to be honest.
-Clarke I...
-What Bellamy? Are you going to say that you regret all thoose kisses? That you regret what you just heard? That we even are talking about this.  
-Clarke, youknow what I feel.
-That you have feelings just like friends?
-No Clarke! You said that, I didn't! Remember that day after that.. I won't bring up that part. You said it by yourself.
-Well, maybe. But I thought that you just wanted to be friends. Or do you know what? I don't even know what you want me to be or  what I am to you. Clarke said harsh
-Clarke, you could just asked me. You can even ask me now. I said with a soft voice. I didn't want her to be more upset when she already is.
Clarke was still laying on the bed. She was quiet.  I don't want to fight about this with her. But I know now what Clarke feels for me. And I feel the same. But I haven't said it out loud yet. I layed down beside Clarke. I wrapped my arms around Clarke's waist and pulled her closer to me. She started to cry. I know that she is Crying right now because she is afraid that she is turning into someone she isn't. She said that Before we started to talk about us. I squezeed my thumb over her cheek. I could feel how she started to relax. When I looked down at her, she had fall asleep in my arms.
I was almost asleep when the door opened and Octavia came in, she looked really happy. She almost started to talk really loud about what happened, until she saw Clarke in my arms sleeping. Ihad my arms wrapped around her and her head was laying on my chest.
-I didn't know she was asleep. It's just seven o'clock. And I wonderd if you two wanted to go to a party tonight, but you seems to do something else.
-It's okay O. And Before you ask about this party. Yes, you can go if Lincoln are with you. I trust that guy. And are Miller going?
-Yes, Miller are coming. Thank you so much big brother. You are the best of the best.
-Your welcome O. But you need to promise me not to drink. Okay!?
-Yes, I promise. I won't drink. Because you let me go by myself.
-Are you and Clarke good?
-Yeah, I Think so. I said and smile

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