Chapter 25

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Clarke POV.

Me and Bellamy moved into the new house the same day as the doctors told us what gender the baby was. I was a little surprised that we got twins. But I realizedthat my bump was bigger. Octavia was so happy. She talked about it all the time. When we sat in the car on our way home. Octavia talked none stop about names. And all kind of things like that. I listen in the begining but it started to be really annoying so I started to talk to Bellamy instand.

Lincoln and Octavia was going to move in this week.  Now, it was just five weeks left until we finish school for this semester.  

I was so excited for having my babies. But also scared. I had to study meanwhile I need to take care of to babies and the first couple month are really hard. I haven't told my parents about the babies yet. I think that my mother are going to be really angry. And my father would be more understanding. I'm going to tell them about our babies next time I meet them. And I have promised that I will come home for a few days under the semester. Bellamy will follow me on that little trip. I can't tell my parents about this without Bellamy.

It was friday night and me and Bellamy had still the whole house by ourself. I liked these time, when we had a whole place just for us. And no one was in the way. I could just relax, have fun and be with Bellamy. And he was only mine. Even if we had the whole house for us, we just used our master bedroom.

I was laying in the bed and watch tv. I waited for Bellamy to come. He was down in the kitchen and made some food so that we could eat up here instand of in the kitchen. The door opened and in come Bellamy with some food. I was really hungry. We sat in the bed, watching tv and ate food. We talked a little but not so much. We didn't need to say anything. With only one look at each other, we could understand each other perfectly. And that's something else that I love with us. After we finsihed the food, Bellamy put it away on a table beside the tv. After that he did that, we layed down beside me. With only one touch, everything was perfect. Bellamy wrapped his arms around my waist and pushed me closer. I had my hands on his cheast and he started to kiss me. He looked down at me and smirked for a second, and started to kiss me again. He always love and smirk when I wear his t-shirts. And they are actually really comfortable. He stoped kissing me for a second there my bump were. He drawed circles on the bump. It really tickled so I started to giggle. I know that he loves when he makes me giggle, so he just kept drawing circles. After a while he stoped pushed me closer to him again and I fell asleep on his bare cheast, with his arms wrapped around my waist. The last thing that I felt before I fell in sleep was Bellamy kissing my forehead.

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