Epilogue Yunmi

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Epilogue Yunmi

Yunmi's POV

I stepped up to the podium hand in hand with the one I will love forever. The one I will spend eternity with. My one and only...
Kim Seok Jin
The priest said what he needed to say...
I couldn't really concentrate anymore because I was being swept into Jin's eyes as they stared into mine. I didn't really hear what the priest was saying... all I heard was Jin's voice
"I do"
"Do you blah blah blah blah?"
Was he talking to me?
I looked at Jin what he said.
He chuckled silently seeing Me freak out?
He mouthed
'Do you love me?'
"I do...." I said he should know that I did.
The priest said something again
I didn't really hear it though.
"Blah blah blah blah KISS blab blah Bleh" he said as Jin came closer and leaned in.
Closing my eyes and leaning in as well. The world seemed to stop.
It was just me and Jin, Nothing will come between us.
He left my lips as I wished for more But soon the world returned and everyone was clapping.
Confusedly I looked to Jin and asked
"Why are they clapping?" I asked
He smiled and said
"Because your mine now" he said pointing at our rings.
It all made sense and as we got into the car that would take us to paradise, tears, smiles, and thumbs up from everyone made me think this was something id NEVER regret.
I was so wrong.

1 year later
"Jin!!!!! He's coming!!!!!" I screamed from the couch.
I was watching "your beautiful" on TV and when taekwang kissed Minam, when...
My water broke.
Contractions started
This endless pain from inbetween my legs.
While the baby was having a blast pushing his way through.
I felt as if I was in hell.
He was upstairs working on his...
Erm.... Books?
"I heard screaming! What's wrong?!!" He asked me slightly yelling.
"My water bro- Ahhh!!!!" I screamed again. Wow... he must have huge shoulders like his dad.
"Oh my god! We have to call an ambulance! We have to go the hospital!" He yelled, he was freaking out wayy more than I was. And I had a living being pushing out of me!!!!
"No... we have... to time the ..... contractions!!!" I yelled trying to catch my breath.
"Uh.... please can we just take you to the hospital?" He said he was pale... really pale...
"NO! THAT'S WHAT YOU'RE SUPPOSED TO DO! AND I DON'T WANT TO DIE!" I yelled even if it were non sense.
So for the next hour we waited for the contractions and timed them.
20 mins apart
15 mins apart
13 mins apart
10 mins apart
5 mins apart
By then I was screaming in pain, and huffing and puffing trying to regain strength.
He passed out around 15 mins. Apart. I called Sungyeol and asked him and his wife to come too. Yup our lovely Sungyeol got married!!!
Him and his wife Bora now have a 1 year baby with them now. they got married a year after Jin and I started dating. Jin and I have been dating for... 2 years, 5 months, 2 days.
"Ahh!" My thoughts were disturbed by the next contraction.
"Almost there sweetie" bora unnie cooed
We were in Sungyeol's car with Sungyeol driving in the front, bora unnie with me in the back calming me down, and jin... that dimwit... was making me freak out.
"What if the baby doesn't come out?"
"What if she's in pain?"
"What if Yunmi dies?"
"What if she runs out of blood"
"What if she's not strong enough?"
"Yunmi! Don't die!!!!"
He yelled and screamed and shrieked.
Making me jumpin fear.
"Jin? Shut up!!!" Bora and Sungyeol yelled.
We got to the hospital and signed in and ya da ya da ya da.
We got into the delivery room and started to push.
The contractions became more and more frequent and stronger.
I screamed and yelled as I pushed with Bora unnie's encouragement and Sungyeol's funny jokes.
I cursed and said a bunch of useless things as he nodded his head and said "of course of course"
"If only I didn't go to you!!!!"
"If only you weren't so handsome!!!" "Jin! Its all your fault!"
"I'm in pain and its all your fault!!!"
He kept nodding and nodding.
After freaking 24 hours in the dilevery room my beautiful little boy was boRN.
Jin held him close to me as I rested on my bed and felt relief as all went well.
"What should we name him?"
"What we decided don't you think?"
"Oh yeah! Hi little Yujin" jin cooed
"I really love that name"
I rested over night at the hospital gettinf treatment and making sure the baby was okay, and then was finally released to go home.
We entered our house and rocked the baby in My arms.
"I'm going to bed can you watCH the baby?" I asked Jin
"Of course ill watch my little Yujin! Go get some rest" he said and pecked me and took Yujin from my arms and took her upstairs.
I called Jungkook to tell him the great news.
"Hi jungkook its me Yunmi! Yujin's home now!"
Jungkook and I are really good friends now. I guess he moved on around the time that I did. He found his own love. and I was happy for him. As much as it broke my heart to say we both did...
We did..
And we both were very happy :)
I liked this happy ending.

And I hope you did to ^^
The next epilogue will be about Jungkook's new life and love.
It will have two parts so keep reading ^^
That's all for now

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