Chapter 37. I'm okay

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Jungkook's POV

Yes I kissed Chae eun
Yes I sepnt the day with her
Yes I still love Yunmi
Yes Chae eun knows were married
Yes Chae eun was a great kisser
But that's beyond the point...
The marrige was cancelled.
That's why I let her go.
Shes no longer tied down to me. she free to be who she wants to be and do what she wants to do.
Including leaving me.
My Mom called the day I saw Jin and Yunmi running away together she called to tell me, what I couldve used to reassure myself she wouldn't leave, was cancelled.
"Jungkook... I know you love Yunmi and I know she loves you too. But if you two can really hold on and never let go of each other than you don't have to get married." My mom said happily into the phone.
"What do you mean?" I asked suddenly becoming worried.
"It mean's the wedding is cancelled and that you and Yunmi can make your own choices." she said
I dropped my phone and left it there as I started to run in the direction that Yunmi and Jin went in but then I realised....
She's not mine...
The wedding is cancelled...
She can make her own choices.
I went back and got my phone and called Chae eun.
She was the only thing that could make me feel better, the way she hugs me and I feel electrified, pouts to make me feel guilty, how she looks like in the morning with the sun glittering against her hair , the way she's so innocent and naive, the way she kisses me like a child that brings me warmth all over , the way my body shudders when we make skin contact, just everything about her. Just everything about the girl I fell in love with and I still love. Yunmi
But I guess smiling and laughing with Chae eun makes my hurting, my pain, and my love for YunmI, dissapear for even the shortest time. And I spend time with her even if I know that it would make my hurting, my misery, my pain, and my love for Yunmi to be two hundred times stronger.
I spent the day with her, she didn't know anything about the fight or anything about what happened to the marrige. she made me feel happy . But not even 1/10000 of how happy I was just to be near Yunmi. But I forgot about all of that and was an idiot.
In the car Chae eun seemed to look like Yunmi.
"Oppa? Are you okay? Is there something on my face?" She asked as I realised that I was staring at her face.
"Huh? No... i just realised that Yoire so beautiful" I said to her imagining Yunmi's beautiful face in stead of Chae eun's.
"Oppa... what about Yunmi?" she asked I was very confused.... she was talking in third person. I smirked
"I love her. As I always will" I said.
"Then we should stop" she said
I suddenly had a rage of feelings as I grabbed her shoulders.
"Stop?!? No! Yunmi I love you and that will never change! You can't take back your feelings when I just figured mine out!" I yelled and kissed her.
Thats when the door opened and I saw Two Yunmi's staring at me wide eyed. confused I pulled back as The Yunmi I was kissing changed into a shocked Chae eun.
No... this is NOT happening!!!
You know what happened next... I don't want to recall it.
I was too hurt and miserable that I couldn't cry out the tears yelling to become free from behind my eyes. I couldn't yell... I couldn't find my voice to tell myself it was okay. I couldn't do anything. So I just lived. I just lived feeling no emotions. I lived a terrible life.

Yunmi's POV

Its been 4 months since Jungkook and I broke up.
I went to Jin and we decided to date. Ofcourse for the first 4 months I was like Jungkook. No emotions, no words to describe how I felt. I didn't want to eat, sleep, walk, talk, I just wanted to be the lump I was and be angry with myself. I do regret sometimes. But I see Jin's smiling face and it all goes away. It ended when I got a text from Jungkook.
"Jagiyaaaa I want to go shopping" jin said cutely doing some aegyo. We were on a trip to england for 'educational' purposes.
"Do I have to?" Bluntly...
"Oh one sec I got a text"
I read it and was shocked but happy at the same time.
"Hi Yunmi. It me Jungkook. He... I just wanted you to know that I understand your choice and That I'm okay with it. I want you to be happy and to do what you love. Ill always remember our time together and ill alwats cherish them. I feel like I'm talking way too much... Soo ill see you?" The text read.
I couldn't help but smile and let go of some tears as I recalled all of our stories.
Our first meet at the clinic and the first time I saw his handsome face and his rudeness
Our first tople in bed, when we first came to the house.
The first time he showed he cared.
The first time he made me cry with his mean prank.
Our first kiss...
Our first fight.
SO much more happeNed...
In the short time that we were together I realised so many things about me and Jungkook. Even if I feel different than I did before doesn't mean I dont love him.
Maybe ill regret this very much one day...
But one thing I know is that
you need to live in the present, celebrate the past, and wonder about the future.
So I guess Jungkook and my love story will never be perfect. But its one ill remember forever.
"Come on Yunmi!" Jin yelled from infront of me smiling.
"Okay I'm coming!" I wiped the tears off my face and smiled.
So as I held Jin's hand and pecked him.
I was closing the chapter of my life that I will miss so much. And opening a new one that made me wonder and happy. As I lived my present the way I pleased, I was happy.
My story with Jungkook ends here and now that I think about it, there were times where I was happy, sad, mad, miserable, and proud that I was
Married to a bad Jeon Jungkook.
Yes folks that was the last chapter of this story ㅠ ㅠ
I'm sorry for this terrible ending and my grammar ^^
I'm Soo sorry that it didn't end the way you guys wouldve like it to... I just couldnt make it fit to the way I tightly wounded this story of mine. Thank you for the amazing comments and suggestions ^^
Thank you for reading a little girl's imagination come to life ^^
Thank you for being Soo supportive of Yunmi's story ^^
I will upload an epilogue if guys would like
As well as a few thank you chapters ^^
I've gathered Soo much confidence and happiness writing this story. And id like to say my writing has improved but I'm not sure..
What do you guys think?
Id like to personally thank all of you amazing people who had supported this story ^^
As I close this Amazing chapter in my life I will be opening a new one and starting from base 1 for my new story. To think about the laughs ive had reading your hilarious comments I laugh even more and the way I took an emotional ride everytime you guys complemented this story.
Id like to say thank you 10848392929383992203847483939932383494934774492384884949302020.24 times to all of you guys and id like to thank Jungkook and Nana Soo freaking amazing ^^
Thank you again ㅠ ㅠ :)

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As always,

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