Chapter 37. The end?

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Before you start reading please pley the song in the media Box!! Great song! And please read my new Fanfic about Seventeens Wonwoo and Kim so Hyun!!! Enjoy^^
Yunmi's POV

As I sobbed into Jin's chest I heard jungkook
"Yunmi... I"
"Just not now.. Jungkook.... not now" jin said
"Stay out of this Wife stealer" jungjook sneered
"Uh... ill be going now Jungkook I had lots of fun today thanks for being there for me" Chae eun Said
I scoffed as the tears I was holding in came rushing out
"Sure " Jungkook said
I was crying silently now with Jin patting my back
I heard Chae eun's car roll down the driveway and out of the area.
After that silence.
Jungkook broke the silence
"Jin can I talk to Yunmi please? ALONE?" He asked emphasizing on the ALONE part.
"Jungkook you've done enough... leave her alone" he said slightly growling
"Who are you to speak for my wife?" Jungkook growled
"I'm the guy she needed to cheer her up when her husband made her cry." Jin sneered
"Exactly and thats all you'll every be" Jungkook smirked
"You son of a-
I stopped him by placing a kiss on his lips sensing that he'd try to hurt Jungkook
"You brat" Jungkook muttered
While I felt bad for Jungkook and as much as I felt guilty...
The kiss reassured me, gave me hope, felt comfortable more than any kiss with Jungkook had.
As much as I love Jungkook, for the past week I felt as if that love was twisting and struggling to stay alive. But after today it may have jUST collapsed.
Feeling Jin's lips on mine I sensed that he cared, that he felt protective over me, and I sensed that he felt the same way.
Just as I was about to pull awsy Jungkook grabbed my shoulder and tugged me back making my feet collaps on the ground as I fell to my knees.
Breathless from SUPRISE and the love I felt inbetween the kiss.
But that all didisappeared when I looked up to see Jungkook holding Jin by the collar. Jungkook looked furious as Jin looked dazed.
"You crossed the line.... You broke us!!" Jungkook yelled into jins face
I got up from my knees and onto my feet , as I grabbed Jungkook's shoulder and yelled through my tears.
The tears of being broken inside, tears of hatred and sadness, but most of all... Tears of losing a love.
" He didn't break us! You did! He helped me when you weren't there! You were the one my heart wanted but YOU weren't there, he was! And after that happened for the longest time, I guess my heart wanted someone else..." I yelled, my voice softening towards the end as I looked into Jungkook's eyes. His eyes soft from guilt, filled with fury.
He pushed me again to the floor as he looked at me breathlessly
"Leave" he said and stompmed back into the house.
Jin rushed over as soon as I got pushed down
"That bastard... come on let's get your stuff" jin said as he helped me up and walked towards the house with my hand in his
My tears wouldn't stop...
They kept flowing and they wouldn't stop
My chest felt tight and my head felt dizzy.
We walked into the house and I showed him my room.
"You lie down... ill clean things up" he said and started to grab piles of my things and walked oit the door.
Doing what I was toLD I lied down. And waited for my dizziness to die down.
I heard footsteps on the staircase and I got up from my bed and looked towards the door..
"Ill help to- I got cut off by the sight of a furious Jungkook as he started to walk into my room.
"Jungkook...." I muttered as he started to advance. I backed up into some clutter on my desk as I started to get scared of the creature in front of me.
"Yunmi... I won't let you go" he smirked and closed the door and locked it
"Jungkook? What's gotten into you?" I asked scared.... shocked
"Nothing. I'm the same Jungkook you loved and still love today" he said walking towards me
"Please Jungkook... please just stop" I shivered
"I won't let you go" he repeated as he grabbed my wrist and flung me into the door.
My head really hurt now and my body ached
"Jungkook... no.... this isn't you!" I yelled as he advanced again
"This is me Yunmi..." he said as he grabbed my waist when I tried to flee
"You're not going anywhere" he sneered into my ear.
I heard knocking on my door
"Yunmi? Are you in there?" Jin called
"Jin! Hel-" I got cut off by jungkook's lips on mine
This time I felt nothing....
Dark empty emotions were the only thing that entered my mind.
As I struggled to get out of his grip
"Yunmi! Don't worry I'm coming" jin yelled from beind the door.
Jungkook's hand went towards my face and I took the opportunity and kicked his leg.
He chuckled into the kiss and flipped us over on the bed.
I shrieked into the kiss as I flared my arms and hit him as I tried to get out of his grip.
Just then the door slammed open and jin came into the room and grabbed Jungkook's collar.
I was dizzy, I was hurt, I was confused.
"Don't ever touch her again unless you want to die" jin muttered as he punched him in the face
"Hyung... I" he groaned earning another punch in the face
"Can't you see you've done too much?" Jin sneered
"I'm sorry..." jungkook muttered
"Doesn't matter now" jin said calming down
He let Jungkook go and came towards me and grabbed my hand
"Let's go" he Said
I nodded looking at Jungkook who was behind him... hurt and betrayal I sensed coming from him.
I walked out of the room and when I got to the doorway I was stopped.
"Yunmi! Please I'm sorry! I need you please please don't leave! Give me another chance" he pleaded And thats when I bursted into tears.
But I needed to be strong and let go.
I turned to face him, tears and all and I had one final look at the one I loved, the one I thought was the only one for me, the one I thought would never hurt me,but I was wrong about.
"Its too late Jungkook... I'm sorry" I muttered and went out the door.
"I understand.... thank you for loving me even if it was for a short time" he said and sighed
I kept crying thinking of all the moments we had together. The troubles we faced, the sacrifices we had to make to get to where we were. But that was all no use in stopping what was coming to us.
As I left the house, I looked bACK in and sighed.
"Yunmi... you don't have to do this, all I want you to be, is happy. Beside me or another guy, I don't care. Just happy " jin said beside me.
I shook my head and smiled through the sadness that was bringing me down.
"No... I'm happy beside you" I said as he scooped me up bridal style and planted a kiss onto my forehead.
This isn't the end.
But it is close.
Thank you for reading my book guys!!!
It means Soo much to me that you guys like it ^^
I havent decided how id end the sTory, but id like to give you guys the happy ending you want ^^
One thing I do know for sure is that Yunmi and Jungkook will not have a baby :( I'm sorry! Kill me please!
I jUST don't think it would work.
So please understand and keep reading ^^
That's all for now I may update later though
I hope you liked the Chapter ^^
And pleasee
Cheack out my new story about seventeen's Wonwoo and Kim so Hyun!!! Its another arranged marrige one and it is going to be a little faster than this one was.
Vote, comment, and add to your library pleasee ^^


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