Chapter 17

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The next morning, Neither Fawn, Luke or Scarlett came back and everyone started to worry.
"Okay, something bad did happen to them!" Nani said nervously.
"See?! That's what I've been trying to tell you! All of you! Luke is up to something!" Kyle yelled annoyed.
"Okay, calm down. Let's just start looking for any signs that could tell us where they are." Venus said. The group paired up and went in opposite directions and to find any clues or signs as to where the three of them went. Venus went with Mika, Kyle went with Tyler, and Nani paired up with Allena. 
After twenty minutes of looking, nobody found anything and started heading back to the campsite.  That was when  Nani and Allena stumbled upon a trail of little colorful dots.
"What are those things?" Nani asked.
Allena knelt down and picked one up.
"It looks like a... Skittle." She answered.
"A Skittle? Seriously? How does a Skittle get all the way out here?" Nani asked confused. 
"Heck if I know!" Allena exclaimed.
"Maybe we should head back and see if anyone else found anything more helpful." Nani suggested. So they ran back to where the group was supposed to meet to say what they had found.
"Did anyone find anything?" Venus asked.
"Nope." Kyle said a little nervously.
"No. And neither did Gretzky. Did you Gretzky?" Tyler added. Then he picked up Gretzky, and shook the cat's head back and forth to show the group that he was supposedly saying "no." Nani looked at Allena, and the two burst out laughing.
"What about you guys?" Mika asked Nani.
"Actually, we did!" She replied.
"You DID?!" Kyle asked surprised.
"Yeah. It almost looks like a trail of Skittles, as stupid as it sounds! But we thought maybe it would help us find where Fawn and Scarlett went."  Allena said.
"Well don't just stand there kid! Show us where the dang Skittles are!" He cried.
"Okay!" She exclaimed as she started running back to where she and Nani had found the trail.
When they got there, all six of them just stared at the Skittle.
"How many of these are there?" Mika asked.
"We don't know exactly, but there's another one a few feet away, and another one after that." Nani explained.
"Wait a minute!" Kyle said quickly.
"What is it?" Allena asked.
"These weren't here before right?" He started.
"Yeah, sure.  Of course a trail of Skittles has always just been here in the middle of a forest." Venus said sarcastically. 
"I did not need all that sarcasm, thank you very much," Kyle muttered.  "As I was saying,  who is the one that eats candy all the time?" He asked. Everyone looked at each other for a few seconds.
"SCARLETT!" Mika exclaimed.
"Exactly!" Kyle cried.
"I also saw her walking this way with a bunch of Skittles yesterday!" Mika added.
"So if there's one every few meters, and Scarlett left the trail, shouldn't we follow it?" Tyler asked.
"It looks like our best option." Venus answered. Then they started walking. About two shouts later, they found their way out of the forest.
"When Scarlett said she was only taking some candy, I didn't think she meant THIS much!" Mika exclaimed.
"Please, knowing Scarlett, she always means this much!" Venus said.
"I'm scared to see what a lot to her is!" Allena said.
"Probably not as much as we thought." Nani said sadly.
"What do you mean?!" Kyle asked quickly.
"That's the end of the trail. In fact, it ended about half an hour ago. We were just walking straight anyways so I didn't bother to tell you guys. But now we're in town, and they could be anywhere!" Nani explained. The other five started to get mad and nervous at the same time, and every one began to talk at once.
"This already happened before! Does it have to happen again?" Tyler asked annoyed.
"Can't we just go two weeks without someone getting lost or something bad happening?!" Allena added.
"WAIT A MINUTE!" Venus yelled shutting everyone up. "Tyler, what did you just say?"
"I said that this already happened." He answered.
Then Venus just stared out into space for a few moments. 
"What are you thinking?" Nani asked.
"What he said gives me an idea..." Venus added still thinking.
"That's it!" She said. Everyone looked at her.
"They just went missing, right? Where did they go the last time?" Venus asked.
"The military." Mika replied.
"What if they went there again?" Venus asked.
"I almost doubt it." Tyler answered.
"Actually, I think Venus is on to something!" Allena exclaimed.
"I think there actually IS a military base somewhere in Pembroke!"
"Oh my gosh Allena your right!" Kyle said.
"Well how far is it?" Mika asked. Kyle and Allena looked at each other for a moment, seeing if either one had an answer.
"I don't know...." Kyle answered slowly.
"Neither do I." Allena added.
"Awwwww, great!" Tyler cried.
"It's gotta be somewhere." Nani said.
"Just keep walking I guess." Venus replied.
Meanwhile, Luke and Fawn were still on their way to Luke's gang's place, when Fawn suddenly got a shock of nervousness.
"Um.. Luke?" She asked nervously.
"Yeah, Fawn?" He answered, and he could tell she was worried about something.
"I don't know if I'm just being stupid, but this area is awfully close to the military base.  Scar  and I have had some issues with the military, being panda people and all, and I... Um... I'm kind of nervous." Fawn said shamefully.
"Aww Fawn, I know you and Scarlett have been running from the military for a long time, but so have I. I have all the skills needed to keep away from Unpleasant fellows. And Fawn, You're my little sister, and it's my job to keep you safe! So don't worry, we are almost at our destination anyway." Luke said, trying to comfort Fawn. But something about the way Luke said that last sentence seemed a bit... Weird, and Fawn could tell.
"Thanks Luke, that's really sweet!" She said, pretending to not be worried anymore.
"I wouldn't be thanking me if I were you." Luke said with a smirk on his face.
"What?" Fawn asked confusedly.
"Now!" Luke said, raising Fawn's suspicions even more.  "Now!" All of a sudden, 2 large military men came over to Fawn. One grabbed her by the legs and threw her over his shoulder. The other stuck her with a large needle to put her to sleep so no one could hear her scream.
"Luke, what going on! AHH!" Fawn screamed before they stuck her with the needle.
"Finally, now it's time to do this right, and before her little friends show up!" The one with Fawn said.
"Yep, now let's get to the base, we can't just dispose of her out here, someone could see!" Said the other.
"Come on Luke, good work, let's go!" Commanded one.
"Ok, ok. I'm coming, I'm coming!" Luke said.
The same thing had just been done to Scarlett, and the conversation that came afterwords with the military men was just weird.
"You know, I'm starting to feel a little bad about this. She's only 5, at least that's what she said, and when we bring her back to the base they are going to kill her." Said the smaller military man, the one without the tutu.
"Says you, who DID NOT have to dress up as a magical candy fairy in order to get her to come with us. Before you say anything, no, we are not, I repeat NOT, letting her go! I did not dress up in that stupid little fairy costume for nothing!" Said the bigger one, quite frazzled I might add.
"I'm just saying, I think you wanted to dress up as a fairy!" Said the smaller one.
"WHAT?! You seriously think I wanted to dress up like this! No, no I did not! I had absolutely NO choice in the say, I was forced to!" Said the quite angry larger military man.
"Oh yeah, how about we take a look inside your backpack!" Replied the other one.
"What's in my backpack has nothing to do with this!!"
And with that, the smaller military man took the larger military man's back pack and dumped it out on the ground, and what came out was just weird.
"Ha! I knew it! You do watch Mary the Magic Fairy episodes!" Exclaimed the smaller military man.
"I do not!" Said the bigger one.
"Well then explain the DVDs you have of it that came from your bag!" Replied the smaller one.
"You know what, let's just clean up my stuff and take this kid back to the base before the boss starts to worry. And I swear, if you EVER tell anyone about the conversation we just had I swear, your dead!" Yelled the bigger one. And so they did.

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