"I expect you here tonight, Liana."

"I will be, mother. May I go now?"

Before I could listen to her voice any longer, I hang up, putting my phone face down on the bookcase. Just her words had given me a headache and I massage my temples, stifling the annoyance that I was feeling. When I go to sip my coffee, I'm greeted with an unfamiliar scent, setting me on edge. My wolf and I both perk up, eyes zeroing in on him as he talks animatedly to Link. I hear my name mentioned, both men turning towards me, and my face turns red.

"Lia, come here!"

Sighing, I take my cup and head up to the counter, leaning against it with an innocent look. I see Link's cheeks turn pink, even making the new guy blush, and I grin. "Hello, Link. What can I do for you since you so gratefully ruined my alone time?"

He chuckles. "This is Eric. He just moved here and he's in the same college classes with me. Since he doesn't know anyone, I figured he could get to know you a little."

Eric shyly smiles. "I just moved here from Colorado. Sorry, he's a bit abrasive."

I shrug. "Nothing I'm not used to. So, what are you into, Eric?"

"He plays video games. I know you have every console known to man and probably every game ever created. I figured we could all hang out sometime."

"Wow. I just move in and you're already bringing people over?"

"It's fine," Eric defends. "You really don't have to."

"Hey, I enjoy meeting new people so I can kick their ass at video games. I'm free right now; want to come over?"

Link, ever so dramatic, gasps. "Wow. You just move in and you can't even let me be the first man in your house?"

I smirk, giving him a kiss on the cheek. "I'll see you later, Link. I'm going to go kick some ass."

He curses when we leave yet it has both of us laughing. "He sure is something else."

"Link is a good friend," I tell him. "I was his first friend when he was new here, too. We bonded over coffee and video games when he accidentally dropped his coffee all over my laptop."

"Ouch." Erich chuckles. "I can promise I won't do that to you."

I hold the door open after unlocking it, kicking it closed when we both step in. "Don't mind the mess or the boxes. Did you want something to eat or drink before heading to the game room?"

"I'm fine right now, thank you."

Nodding, Eric tells me a little about himself while we head upstairs, his voice fading once I open the door. I stare up at him, seeing his eyes wide and his mouth open as he looks around. Smirking, I head towards the closet.

"This is the best part. Want to hit the light?"

He does and I hit the button, the room slowly lighting up. It starts around the television before wrapping around every single cubby that the consoles were in, traveling through the room until it's lit up blue and red. It was bright enough that we could see in here yet not enough to hurt our eyes, just how I liked it.

"Do you want to keep these on or the light?"

Eric grins. "This is fine."

I tell him to pull the beanbag chairs towards us while I pick a game, handing him the controller. Throughout the time we play, I had successfully beaten him six times with him only twice. On the last round, he groans loudly and drops the controller in defeat on his lap.

Bite Me, Wolfy. (Rated R)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora