Broken-Chapter 14

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Chapter 14-Doing the Right Thing

Lexi’s POV

If I thought I was miserable before I was dead wrong. My whole body hurt. I was so ready for my little girl to be here I could hardly wait! I was stuck in the hospital and had been here for weeks. Due to my condition Luke postponed the wedding until after I gave birth. This pleased me, but I was starting to worry if Matt was coming for me or not. Tomorrow is his birthday, and it’s all I can think about. I want so much to be there with him, but I can’t be.

“How are you today, sweetheart?” Luke asked as he leaned down to kiss my cheek. He had been really concerned about me the past few weeks.

“I’m miserable, but other than that I’m good.” I replied.

“It’s getting close to your due date, only one more week.” Luke smiled.

“I know, I can’t wait to see her.” I smiled rubbing my swollen belly.

“I told Jake I would let him know as soon as your water broke.” Luke said.

“Where has Jake been these past few weeks?” I asked curiously. For once I missed him. Jake had been nice to me here recently.

“Matt was trying to follow him to you so I made him stay away.” Luke answered with a smirk.

“Oh’ Matt was trying. I had to talk to Jake. Maybe I could convince him to bring Matt up here. I didn’t want Luke here. I wanted Matt here when I gave birth to our daughter.

After Luke went home for the night I called Jake.

“Lexi?” Jake answered.

“Well hello to you too Jake.” I laughed.

“Sorry, But I wasn’t expecting you to be on the other end of the line. What’s up? Does Luke know you’re talking to me.” Jake asked.

“No, Luke doesn’t know, but if he did he would kill Matt.” I sighed.

“What’s wrong?” Jake asked concerened.

“Luke told me why you haven’t been down here, and I wanted to talk to you.” I answered.

“Look Lexi I am really sorry about everything. I want to set things straight with you.” Jake said, and I almost dropped the phone

“Oh ok I actually wanted to talk to you about that” I replied.

“What I did was wrong, and now that I have found someone and fallen in love with her I know why Matt is still looking for you. I would be doing the same thing if Jamie was missing. I’m going to tell him where you are. I don’t care if Luke kills me. Part of me believes I deserve it for what I have done to you and matt. He’s a good guy Lexi, and if anyone deserves to be with you its him.” Jakes words flowed through the receiver leaving me in shock.

“J=jake, I don’t know what to say, but thank you. Don’t tell Matt until Luke calls you telling you my water broke.” I tols him.

“I won’t” Jake promised.

Once I got off the phone with Jake I felt my mood brighten. All hope that I thought was lost was now back and stronger than ever. A few minutes later I felt a pain in my stomach and got scared. I buzzed for a nurse. When the nurse came into my room she explained that it was a contraction and, she said I would probably go into labor soon.

Sure enough at ten thirty that night my water broke. The nurses called Luke, and he rushed to the hospital. I made him call Jake as soon as he got there. I was hoping that my little angel wouldn’t come until after Jake got here with Matt, but I couldn’t be sure.

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