Broken-Chapter 1

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This chapter is dedicated to my bff Danielle for the wonderful new cover!!!!

<3 ya bestie

Chapter 1: Broken Hearted

Lexi’s POV

What the hell do you think you are doing?”  I asked my supposed boyfriend, Jacob, as I walked into the condo we had rented for the week. He was in our bed getting it on with some slut he had probably met on the beach.

“Oh shit! Lexi I didn’t know you were going to be back so soon.” Jacob exclaimed trying unsuccessfully to cover him and the blond bimbo up.

“I can’t believe you Jake!” I screamed trying to will the tears away, but this was a battle I was sadly losing.

“Baby, I’m sorry. I can explain.” Jake said as he got out of the bed and walked towards me.

“Don’t you dare come near me? How could you? After two years? I gave you everything.” The first tear fell and that was it.  Jake tried to grab my hand, but I jerked away from him.

“Baby please, can’t we talk about this?” He pleaded.

“No! Keep your filthy hands away from me! I’m through with you!” I screamed and ran out the door and down the stairs towards the beach. I had to get away from him. I had spent the last two years of my life giving Jacob anything and everything he wanted, and what did I receive in return but a broken heart.

Once I got to the sand I took my white sandals off and carried them in my hand. I let the feel of the cool white sand and breeze off the ocean help to calm me down. I was still crying, but at least my heartbeat was slowing down. I needed to think, and this was the best place to do it.

Ava and Amy had talked Jacob and I into coming with them to Florida, and of course we agreed eager to take a vacation and get away from our home life. This trip was supposed to be fun and romantic for Jake and I, but after what I just witnessed it was going to be sad and lonely. The scene of Jake and the blond tramp came rushing back into my mind causing me to start crying again. I was so hurt by his actions and from the look on his face when I left, Jake could care less about how I felt. How many times had he cheated on me? I pushed the thought out of my head. I really didn’t want to know the answer to that question.

I looked up at the sky. It was a beautiful night. The stars were out, and the moon was full and bright. Tonight would have been a perfect night for a romantic walk on the beach. Too bad it was ruined along with the rest of this vacation.

“Damn you Jake.” I said out loud to nobody.

How could he do this to me? My heart was broken into tiny little pieces, and I didn’t know if I would ever be able to piece them back together again. For the second time in my life I had given someone my heart only for it to be ripped out and torn to pieces again. Next time- No there wouldn’t be a next time. From now on I would keep my heart guarded. No one would get in unless they proved to me they wouldn’t hurt me.

I don’t know how long I had been walking for, but when I finally looked up again I saw three guys walking towards me. Maybe walking alone on the beach wasn’t such a good idea after all. Before I knew it they were standing in front of me. The guy in the middle spoke first.

“Hey, don’t you know it’s not safe for a girl as beautiful as you to be walking down the beach all alone.” He asked.

“Yeah, I think you’re right. I’m going to head back to my condo now.” I replied hoping they would let me go. His two friends on either side of him were already undressing me with their eyes making me feel uncomfortable and scared at the same time.

“I don’t think you should be walking alone. Why don’t I walk you home?” He offered giving his friends a look as if to say get lost.

“I don’t know?” I answered unsure of what to do. He didn’t look like he wanted to hurt me, but then again I didn’t know him.

“Please, I promise I won’t try anything. I just want to make sure you get back to your condo safe and avoid jerks like my friends.” He gestured towards the direction his friends had walked off in.

“Ok, but if you try anything I will tell the cops.” I warned him.

“Understood.” He replied. I nodded and head in the direction of my condo. If he was determined to make sure I got back safe he would catch up.

Matt’s POV

Shane, Zack and I were walking down the beach heading back to our condo after a long day at the beach.

“What the…” I trailed off.

“Matt what’s wrong man?” Zack asked squinting to see what I was looking at.

“Damn!” Shane exclaimed.

“You two don’t say a word. She looks like she has been crying.” I said sternly.

“I could dry those tears up real quick.” Zack smirked.

“You know the rules. I saw her first so I get to talk to her first.” I snapped. I really didn’t care about the rules at the moment. All I cared about was trying to figure out what to say to the broken girl whio was walking towards me looking like an angel. That’s what she looked like a broken angel who had fallen from God’s amazing grace.

She was wearing a white dress and her dark wavy hair was blowing slightly in the breeze coming off the ocean. She was carrying her white sandals in her right hand, and her skin was glowing in the moonlight. I was stunned by her beauty. I could tell the exact moment she saw us walking towards her because she stopped for a second and a frightened look came over her face. I slowly closed the distance between us finally knowing the words I wanted to say to her.

“Hey, don’t you know it’s not safe for a girl as beautiful as you to be walking down the beach all alone.” I asked. I immediately realized how stupid my word choice was by the look on her face. My words had only frightened her more.

“Yeah, I think you’re right. I’m going to head back to my condo now.” She replied looking uncomfortable and helpless. For some reason all I wanted to do was put my arms around her and tell her everything was going to be ok even though I had no clue who she was or what was wrong.

“I don’t think you should be walking alone. Why don’t I walk you home?” I offered again shooting Shane and Zack a look telling them to get lost. Maybe she would relax a little if the two pervs weren’t undressing her with their eyes. Sometimes I couldn’t believe I was friends with them because of the way they acted. Neither one of them had ever been in a real relationship before, and they never would be if they kept pulling stunts like what they were doing now.

“I don’t know?” She answered still looking unsure, but at least she had relaxed a little like I thought she would with Shane and Zack gone.

“Please, I promise I won’t try anything. I just want to make sure you get back to your condo safe and avoid jerks like my friends.” I begged hoping she would give in. I really didn’t want her walking on the beach alone.

“Ok, but if you try anything I will tell the cops.” She warned me trying to look tough. I have to admit it was kind of cute the way she made her face look hard and crossed her arms over her chest.

“Understood.” I agreed. She nodded her head and started walking in the direction of her condo.I had to jog to catch up to the fast pace she was walking in. I didn’t talk to her because I didn’t think she wanted me to. So I just walked beside her enjoying her company even if she didn’t want mine.

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