Broken-Chapter 11

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Chapter 11-Searching For Answers

Matt’s POV

“Angel, are you going to tell me what’s been bothering you all week?” I asked. I had to know what was bothering her.
“Nothing’s wrong.” Lexi replied, but I knew she was lying to me. I had gotten to know her too well to not know.

“I can tell you’re lying Angel. Is it Jake and Luke?” I replied looking concerned. Lexi knew she could talk to me about anything.

“I said nothing is wrong, and will you quit bringing up Jake and Luke?” Lexi snapped on the verge of tears.

“Angel! I know there is something wrong. Just tell me what it is.” I begged her. I hated seeing her like this.

“Maybe I don’t want to tell you what’s wrong. Maybe you should just drop it.” Lexi raised her voice at me for the first time.

“Why are you acting like this?” I asked. I had never seen her act like this. She was usually happy when she was around me, and last night had been amazing.

“Because you wont leave me the hell alone. I said nothing is wrong, but you keep pushing it. Well you’ve pushed it far enough.” Lexi yelled as tears began to fall down her beautiful cheeks.

“I’m just concerned about you Angel.” I whispered hoping to calm her down, but it didn’t work.

“You’re always concerned about me. Always asking if I’m ok. Did you ever stop to think you were smothering me?” Lexi was now screaming at me.

“Angel, I’m sorry why didn’t you say anything? I’ll back off.” I replied shocked and hurt at the same time. My beautiful angel was angry with me, and I could not stand it.

“No. I think we need to break it off. This is going way too fast, and I still don’t think I am ready for a relationship.” Lexi said the words I never wanted to hear. I felt my heart break into tiny little pieces again, but this time it hurt much more than before.

“No, Angel, please don’t do this. I’ll back off and give you some space. Please.” I begged not knowing what else to do. I would do anything if she would just stay with me.

“No. I can’t do this. I can’t love you. You’ll just hurt me like the others.” Lexi barely whispered.

“No, Angel , look at me.” I placed both my hands on her face and made her look at me. I could see in her eyes that she was afraid and hurting just as much as I was. Why was she doing this?

“You look me in the eyes and tell me you don’t love me. Then I will walk out the door. Even if you do tell me you don’t love me that doesn’t stop me from loving you, and it sure as hell doesn’t mean I won’t wait for you.” I said holding her eyes with mine.

“I don’t love you.” Lexi said those words, and I felt my world crumble around me. She was lying. She had to be. She just had to be.

I finally released her face as tears fell down my cheeks. I didn’t try to stop them. The pain I felt was evident on my face, and I turned so Lexi couldn’t see me breaking down. I turned to leave but stopped. I had more thing to say to my beautiful angel before I left.

“I will always love you Lexi, and I’ll be waiting for you.” I said then walked out the door.

I slid down her apartment door and finished breaking down. Thankfully no one walked by to see me in my despair. About thirty minutes later I got up and went to my car. I was devastated by what lexi had said, but I would never stop loving her. I would wait for her until the day I died. I could never be with another girl the way I was with Lexi.

That night I locked myself in my room and wallowed in self-pity. I played those last four words she said to me over and over again in my head until it made me sick. I loved her so much. All I wanted to do was drive back to her apartment and beg on hands and knees for her to take me back, but I knew she needed time. All of a sudden there was a knock on my door.

“Go away.” I yelled. I didn’t feel like talking to Shane or Zack about anything right now.

“Matt, Ava just called and said Lexi left. She’s gone.” Shane yelled through my door. I jumped up off my bed and swung my bedroom door open.

“What do you mean she is gone?” I demanded.

“She left a note saying that you guys broke up and she needed to get away. What happened man?” Shane asked.

“She broke up with me, but I think it has something to do with Jacob and Luke.” I replied pulling my shoes on. I had to go find her.

“Where are you going?” Shane asked.

“I have to go find her.” I replied snatching my keys off my desk and heading out the door.

“Wait up, I’ll come with you.” Shane said.

We looked everywhere I thought she might be, but had no such luck of finding her. This was killing me. Way down deep in my gut I knew this had everything to do with Jacob and Luke and their threats. I made Shane call Amy and ask her if they had looked for her at Jake’s apartment, but they had. She wasn’t there. I didn’t know where she was.

A week passed and we tried to get the cops involved. They examined the note Lexi had left and compared the writing to make sure it was her handwriting, but it was. They told us there was nothing they could do if she left on her own free will, but something was telling me she hadn’t. I tried to get them to pull her phone records, but they wouldn’t. For some reason I believed her phone records would lead us to her.

It had been over a month, and I was still desperately looking for Lexi. I had went as far as to trying to get her parents involved, but they didn’t act too concerned for their daughter. Even her friends had given up hope of finding her, but I couldn’t stop looking for her. I wouldn’t stop looking for her until I found her. My beautiful angel was missing, and no one seemed to care except for me. I chased every lead I could find, but I always came up empty handed. Still I wouldn’t give up hope. I believed she was out there, and I would stop at nothing to find her.

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