Brken-Chapter 3

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Chapter 3- Facing Jacob

Lexi’s POV

We walked for the rest of the time in silence. I didn’t say anything, and I guess matt took my silence as a hint that I didn’t want to talk. This was very true. I didn’t want to talk about Jacob and how he broke my heart. I jumped when I felt my phone vibrate in my hand. I looked at the screen to see it was another text from Jacob.

            Lexi, baby please text me back. I really need to explain what happened last night.- Jake

I dismissed the message from my phone only to receive another seconds later.

            Lexi, if you don’t answer me I WILL come and find you.-Jake

Wow, ok that was kind of scary. I decided to text Jake back telling him to leave me alone.

            Jake, please stop texting me. I don’t want to talk to or see you. We are done.- Lexi

A few seconds later my phone vibrated again.

“Is that your ex who keeps texting you?” Matt asked startling me. I had almost forgotten that he was walking with me.

“Yes, he wants to talk to me, but I don’t want to talk to him.” I replied looking at my phone.

            You WILL talk to me Lexi. I am going to make this right you’ll see.- Jake

            No. I said I don’t want to talk to you Jake. Just leave it alone.- Lexi

I turned my phone on silent not wanting to be bothered by Jacob anymore.

“Is everything ok?” Matt asked.

“No, everything is not ok. It is all ruined because of him.” I answered looking at Matt. Pretty soon we caught up with the others. Even though Matt had warned Ava about his friends, she and Amy were clinging to them for dear life.

“It’s hot.” Ava whined looking at Zack.

“No babe I think that’s just you.” He replied leaning down to kiss her.

“Why don’t we go back to the pool at the condo?” Amy suggested.

“I am definitely up for that.” I agreed fanning myself. It was really hot today, but what did we expect the temperature to be in the middle of June?

We made our way back to the condo, and the guys made sure to walk us to the door. I stopped dead in my tracks as we approached the door. Jake was sitting down in front of the door waiting for me. Shane and Zack walked into the condo with Amy and Ava giving us some privacy, but Matt stayed outside with me. I looked at him begging him to go inside with my eyes. I didn’t want to face Jacob right now, but I definitely didn’t want him jumping to conclusions about Matt. Unfortunately, Matt stayed put.

“Is this why you didn’t want to talk to me earlier?” Jake spat out pointing at Matt. Obviously he had been here for a while.

“No Jake it’s not what you think. Matt and his friends were just hanging out with Amy, Ava, and I because Ava had invited them.” I explained

“Well, he’s obviously claimed you/” Jake smirked.

“Jake, can we please just get this over with. You can explain yourself all you want, but it’s not going to change my mind.” I told him.

“Fine, but he is leaving.” He said pointing at Matt again.\

“Matt, please we need to talk.” I said. He nodded and went inside.

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