Broken-Chapter 12

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Chapter 12-Hope in Times of Despair

Lexi’s POV

Another month had passed, and the morning sickness was killing me. Luke had taken me to the doctor where they confirmed what I already knew. I was pregnant. I was almost six weeks when Luke had taken me, but I was now almost ten weeks. I smiled when I heard the baby’s heartbeat. It was the only thing good that had come out of this whole ordeal. Most people would hate the fact that they were pregnant by their crazy ex-boyfriend who was keeping them captive, but not me. I was holding on to that one little sliver of hope that Matt was the father of this baby.

I was sitting on the balcony of Luke’s condo watching the sun go down when I felt his hand rest on my right shoulder. Ever since Luke found out I was pregnant he had been exceptionally nice to me. Other than the day he found out he hasn’t had his way with me. I send a silent prayer up to God each day thanking him for keeping me and my baby safe.

“It’s beautiful, isn’t it?” Luke asked rubbing my shoulder.

“Yeah, it is.” I replied.

“I was thinking since you’re pregnant now that we should get married.” Luke said.

“What!!!” I exclaimed shocked by his words.

“Oh come on Lexi, its only right that we get hitched since you’re pregnant. You always said you never wanted to have a child out of wedlock.” Luke truthfully pointed out. He was right. I had said that, but I never thought I would have a child by him.

“But what if the baby isn’t yours?” I asked instantly regretting my words. I saw the anger wash over Luke’s face and knew I was in trouble.

“Even if that lowlife is the father of the child I will still claim it as my own.” Luke snarled.

“O-ok I agreed. Why don’t we do it properly. Let me plan it out. We need to set the date. I’m not due until late April so what about March 15?” I asked hoping he would fall for it. I wanted to delay it for as long as I could. I still hoped that Matt would come to my rescue, and I was desperately buying him time by doing this.

“I like the sound of that. You should start planning it right away.” Luke smiled all traces of his earlier anger washed away.

“I will.” I forced a smile.

“Don’t stay out here too late sweetheart.” Luke said kissing me on the forehead before he walked back inside.

 About ten minutes later I went back inside. I could smell something cooking on the stove, and nausea took over. I bolted for the bathroom and threw up the strawberries I had eaten a few hours ago.

“Hey, you still alive in there?” I heard Jake yell through the bathroom door.

“Yeah I’m fine.” I called back putting toothpaste on my toothbrush. I hated the taste the sickness left.

“Ok Luke said to tell you that supper was done.” Jake told me.

“I’ll be out in a sec.” I said then brushed my teeth.

After I finished brushing my teeth I went the kitchen. I was starving, but as soon as I entered the room the smell of the food caused the nausea to come back.

“Lexi dear, are you ok?” Luke asked concerned.

“No, the smell of the food is making me sick.” I replied pinching my nose so I couldn’t smell.

“Do you want me to get you something else? What have you been able to hold down?” Luke asked.

“Fruit mostly.” I replied.

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