Broken-Chapter 2

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Chapter 2- Better In Time

Lexi’s POV

Surprisingly he followed me all the way back to my condo without making a move on me or talking to me. As we reached the steps leading up to my condo I realized that Jacob and I were sharing a condo. I couldn’t go there. He would think I had changed my mind and wanted him back. I would have to stay with Ava and Amy. I sighed at the idea of explaining to them why I wanted to stay with them rather than my boyfriend. Well ex-boyfriend now. We got to their condo and I knocked on the door hoping they hadn’t found two guys to bring back with them.

“Lexi, what are you doing here so late? Where’s Jake?” Ava questioned when she opened the door. Then her eyes fell on the guy behind me.

“I took a walk on the beach. As for Jake, he can go to hell, and…” I suddenly realized I didn’t know the guy’s name that had just walked me home.

“I saw her walking and didn’t think it was safe for Lexi to walk back alone. I’m Matt by the way.” He quickly answered for me extending his right hand for Ava to shake.

“Nice to meet you Matt, and thanks for walking Lexi back to the condo. That was really sweet of you.” Ava replied shaking Matt’s hand and winking at him.

“It was no problem.” Matt smiled back.

“Hey why don’t you hang out with us tomorrow?” Ava suggested with a wicked grin on her face.

“I don’t know? My friends would want to tag along.” Matt ran his hand through his hair.

“That’s cool! The more the merrier!” Ava exclaimed.\

“Ok if you insist.” Matt agreed.

“I do. Meet us on the beach by the pier at let’s say tenish?” Ava replied.

“Sounds great.” Matt smiled.

“Well thank you Matt for making sure I got back safe.” I finally spoke up.

“Seriously it was no problem. So I guess I’ll see you tomorrow?” He asked.

“Yeah I guess you will.” I answered before walking into the condo and facing my two best friends.

As I expected, Ava jumped on me as soon as I shut the door.

“What was that all about, and why does Jacob need to go to hell?” She questioned. Amy jerked her head in our direction with a curios look on her face.

“Matt was being sweet and walked me back to the condo.” I replied hoping they would just drop the subject, but luck was not on my side today it seemed.

“Why would he need to walk you back to the condo?” Amy asked.

“Because when I got back to mine and Jake’s condo this evening I found him on bed wioth a blond bimbo.” I answered trying to keep the tears away, but again I was failing miserably.

“Oh, sweetie I’m so sorry.” Amy exclaimed as she pulled me into a hug. Ava wrapped her arms around me too, and they just sat there and let me cry for at least ten minutes.

“Thanks guys.” I sniffled as I wiped the last tear away. I had the two best friends any girl could ask for. They were always there when I needed them. I had known them both since high school, and we all went the same college.

They didn’t hassle me for the rest of the night or ask any of the questions about Jacob I knew they were dying to know the answers to. They did ask questions about Matt though.

“So, how did you meet Matt?” Amy asked raising an eyebrow.

“I was walking down the beach after I broke it off with Jake trying to calm down and collect my thoughts. I didn’t realize how late it had gotten until I looked up and saw Matt and his teo friends walking towards me.” I answered.

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