"Okay" he gave me a toothy grin.  He was so cute.

The boy next to him was a little taller and looked about 8 he had a tooth missing and had blonde hair like his mother.

"Hey I'm Dan" I smiled at him. He looked behind me at my brothers and I felt slightly guilty that they had not been introduced yet.

"These at my two brothers" I explained "this is Matthew" I pointed to Matthew "and this is Thomas" I then pointed to Thomas.

All the boys nodded hello. The next boy looked about 11. He also had blonde hair, just like Dan. He had glasses on but he seemed to look really cool in them. I had always wanted to look good in glasses but they have never suited me.

"Hey I'm Robert" he said. I smiled at him and nodded a hello.

The next boy looked about 14. He had a blue splodge on his left cheek. His hands were multi coloured it seemed as well. He had black hair and green eyes just like Alex and Benny.

"Hello I'm Ewan" he said as he smiled a kind smile. He looked really friendly, I think I will be good friends with him in the future. I guessed from the paint that he was covered in that he was an artist.

The boy next to me looked about my age. He was probably the hottest of the lot. He had black hair and blue eyes which you could probably get lost in if you looked for too long.

He smirked at me. Oh no, what have I gotten myself into.

"Hello Flower aren't you a beauty" he said cheekily. My brothers heads shot up but I chuckled. They were always protective of me and I feel like now they would be even more so.

"Please I can see player dripping all over you" I smiled and he smirked an even bigger smirk back.

"You're be just like all the other girls one day Flower" he said "falling in love with me"

"James don't frighten the girl" Alicia scolded and James put his hand up in surrender.

"Sorry mum" he said. I laughed and then finally looked at the last boy. He looked around 19 and was blonde with blue eyes. He gave the impression that he would protect me just like my brothers do but I wasn't sure yet.

On another note my brothers still looked cross with James. I swear if looks could kill he would have been stabbed multiple times by now. I rolled my eyes at them and then turned back to the last boy.

"Hi I'm Harry" he said.

"Great now that we all know each other lets eat" Christian said.

The next hour was filled with delicious foods and lots of chatter. I didn't join in with everyone else but I listened to all the conversations. Some were quite interesting. Others however were not.

"Florence?" Someone asks me. I leave my trail of thoughts to look for who spoken to me.

"Sorry, what?" I asked. Everyone around the table let out a laugh. Confused, I look at my brothers.

"You were asked a question, when you didn't answer I told them that you sometimes go off in your own little world" Matthew said.

"Well it's better than your world" I state "at lease mine isn't filled with Miss Wilbur". Matthew blushes the deepest red I can think of and leans over the table to put his hand over my mouth.

Thomas and I however are laughing like mad men. Matthew had a 'not so secret' secret crush on my governess Miss Wilbur. He had tried to pick me up and take me out after my lessons just to see her.

It was slightly creepy when he was 17 and she was 48.
But some guys are into older girls.

"What was the question then?" I asked.

"Oh, yes dear. Harry was just asking if you were going to watch a film with us tonight. Every week we get together to watch a film. A little family bonding never hurts"

"I think I'll pass tonight, I'm rather tired" my brothers both nodded in agreement.

"I think I'll go to bed now if that's okay" I said.

"Of course, James can show you how POLITE he is by taking you to your room" she threatened him by giving him a death glare.

"Okay come on Flower" James said as he got up. My brothers Glared at James as I left the room with him, daring him to do something wrong.

He walked me upstairs and then led me to a door.

"My doors next door on the left Flower. Knock if you need anything or if your lonely, I know something we could do together that would be fun"

"Yeah I guess Monopoly is kind of fun" I said innocently as I opened the door and slipped through. Shutting it in his face as I closed it behind me.

I was so tired I didn't even look around. I just slipped my shoes off and climbed into the bed.

I was asleep in minutes.

Living with the boys from hellWhere stories live. Discover now