Chapter 32

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"That's easy, whatever system they are using in that place, is failing! It's stupid and all it's going to do is cost me, another brother." Ron said, getting back to his feet and disappeared up the stairs.

Harry found Ron sitting in their attic a short time later. Harry joined him sitting by the now open window. Ron, was smoking a cigarette. "She doesn't know you smoke, does she?" Harry asked, pulling out his wand, shutting and locking the attic door. "She suspects, but I haven't confirmed it, nor left anything for her to find." Ron said, watching Harry pick up the pack of cigarettes and pull another one for himself. Ron handed over the small lighter he bought. "Bout twice a week, I bum one off one of my employees. It's not a habit you really want to form, but who am I to talk about unhealthy habits?" Harry asked, with a chuckle, before striking the lighter and taking a puff. "I won't let myself buy more then a pack a week, it's hardly two a month at the moment. Fred II being gone, has helped and I know how bloody awful that is. You are raising a kid! It shouldn't be like this for us." Ron said. "There's a difference between my daughter and your nephew, Ron. I might not of choose to have her, but she's my daughter and Draco and I both want to raise her. You and Hermione, didn't have a choice in the matter really. At the time, it was you or the system. It was something forced, so of course, it's going to be something you dislike. It's why you (Hermione some too) had a dislike of the boy. It's not because you didn't care or love's because you got stuck with the responsibility of him." Harry said and Ron let out a sigh, taking another puff of his cigarette. "We have talked about, when to have children. It wasn't even a thought. I'm still training and her work keeps her busy. I still fly too!" Ron said. "I know, Ron. You two, did what was better for Fred II. I know it's not exactly with you like, but it is better." Harry said. "There is always going to be distrust with them, but we couldn't do it anymore. You have no idea, how much better our relationship has been. We wasn't ready, not even close." Ron pointed out. "I know, Ron. Narcissa and Lucius are taking good care of him. He has a best friend now too. Freddy will be just fine. You and Hermione just worry about finishing the plans for the wedding. Narcissa Evans is excited. Draco is kind of too, because he is using it as an excuse to get new pictures of Nass and the newborn pictures of baby M." Harry pointed out. "Most of the details are set. We are just waiting on a few last minute things, that includes knowing exactly, what baby M is." Ron said. "I can't, Ron." Harry said. "It's fine, really." Ron said. The two finished the cigarettes and got back to their feets. "Mum was heading downstairs, when I came upstairs." Harry said. "Right behind you."


By half after six, the household sat down for breakfast. Sirius Black sometimes still struggle to eat. Today, after another nightmare, wasn't an easy day. So, the man sat at the table pushing his food around, listening to the conversations going on around him.
Draco and Harry talked about how Draco's boss was kind of a bitch for not giving him the time off. He was fired. Harry, once again, said it wasn't that big of a deal. Harry still had the money he was left, he worked full time at a job that paid him well and he had a book published, that was very popular. Money was not a problem. Draco didn't need to work. Draco knew that, but he felt he needed to work. Mentally. Draco still dealt with his own metal problems.
Lily was talking about what other chores around the house she needed to get caught up on. Harry told her, she didn't have to take the responsibility of the housework. She didn't mind too. It was something she could do with rest time if she needed. She couldn't work nor did she really want to. Keeping the house tidy and now and then, watching Fred so Lucius could spend some time with his wife, was plenty of work for the woman who was still in recovery. Today, she'd be doing the children's laundry, Narcissa Evans and Freddy and do the detail cleaning of the bathrooms. That was the goal she set for herself to do.
Remus and Siruis spent nights talking. Remus agreed to continue his pursuit of becoming a muggle teacher. Remus still had mix feelings about it. It would cause him to have to leave Sirius behind. Something he didn't want to do. Sirius was doing better, but the man was still far from what you'd call normal. Sirius repeated the same thing, over and over again to Remus. Lily would work. Remus, at this point, wasn't sure who Siruis was trying to convince, him or himself. Remus couldn't say and that made him nervous about the plan. Lily did, however, assure Remus she'd take care of him. Remus wasn't worried that she wouldn't be there for him. Remus was worried about how Sirius would handle him gone during the day.
Harry, Samuel and April talked about the office, a few times. April was asked, again, if she wanted to take a management position. She kept declining and Harry finally asked her why. Before he came to work there, her availability changed a few times. Now, it's been consistent. Monday thru Friday, but with four older brothers, all whom have children, there's been times she needed to be their nanny. It's easier to get the time off, or changed, as an employee, not so much as a manager. Harry, couldn't disagree with that.

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