Chapter 39

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Narcissa Malfoy agreed with her son. "No, I don't think that would've been worth it. I suppose, I'll talk to Harry about getting some minors working for me. Lucius, you alright?" Narcissa asked, getting to her feet. Lucius was taking an awful long time to get the toddler some water. "Making coffee, love." Lucius Malfoy replied back.

Narcissa Malfoy entered the kitchen, placing a kiss on his cheek. "You liked the ice coffee at the bakery." She smiled. "I did. It was French vanilla and sugar right?" He asked. "I'll make it, get back to resting love." She said.
Lucius put Fred back on his lap, who held onto his cup of water, his eyes back on the television. "How long do you stay at the bakery?" Draco asked. "Until half after one, I walk to the bus stopped, or I did. now? It's been up and down, because Nass doesn't want to stay there-" Lucius Malfoy stopped talking, when the drunk, again, Ron Weasley tumbled down the last few steps.

"Make sure Harry keeps upstairs." Narcissa Malfoy told her son, who went up the stairs as Lucius Malfoy pushed Ron onto the couch. "What are we supposed to do with him?" Lucius asked. "V-vodka." Ron spat out. "You are not bringing alcohol into this house! You, are going back to asleep." Narcissa said, pulling out her wand.
Narcissa eased the blanket over the man who was back on the air mattress in the attic. Hermione Granger, who Lucius called, came slowly up beside her. "I can...take him home. I don't...want to be responsible for Harry having a relapse." She said. "Harry is going to be fine. I'll keep an eye on him, okay? Draco... told me, a bit about what happened. Come, have some tea with me." She said.

Narcissa and Hermione sat outside in the backyard, at the picnic table Harry built. One of his many projects he did the months he was getting sobor. Narcissa pour them both some tea, glancing over at the swing sit. Fred held on tightly to the chains, sitting in the seat, as Lucius stood behind him, giving him pushes. The toddler was very giggly. "Ron and I spent a month, trying to find anybody else to take him. I know Draco and Harry are happy to be parents, but Ron and I...we aren't ready." She said. "Sweetie, you don't have to explain your choices. Draco's Frist thoughts were adoption, only because of how young he was. He opted out of that, but the thought was there for a little while. Nobody, here, is blaming you for not wanting to be parents at, 23 years old. His family is wrong and I wish...there was something I could do to help, I really do." She said. "Narcissa, you are doing what you can. Adopting Freddy, who needs parents. Actual, parents." She said, starting to mix some honey in her tea. "I don't...know if I can actually accept that title." She said softly. "Why?" Hermione asked. "Because he does have parents and he still calls us by our names. I'm fine with that." Narcissa said. "You two are his parents and he needs to understand that too. His family will never come back around. Even if they do, Ron isn't going to accept it. Not...not after this." Hermione said. "I wouldn't have thought they'd be somebody who would turn on their child. Not form what I heard about them." She said. "Molly said Ron needed to take the responsibility, that he wasn't a child anymore. Freddy should of been with Family. She doesn't understand our point of view, without help before you guys. She couldn't handle it...Somehow, it was Ron's responsibility to grow up and fix his brother's bad choice. Freddy, is just fine where he is. That boy is happier then he has been since he was six months old. That is what matters. He has a family, a new family who will love and care for him." Hermione said. "Lucius and I, love the boy. He can con Lucius into giving him more apple juice. It's adorable." Narcissa smiled. "You two, never thought of a second child?" Hermione asked. "No, we never had that thought. Things weren't simple at home, not after the first war. I hated Draco grew up in the way he did, he didn't deserve that. I wouldn't do it to a second child. Since the second war, things have changed, so much. I'm thankful, I am, but what we needed. Especially, Lucius. I guys-" She started to said. "Those thoughts have long past, Narcissa." Hermione said. Narcissa watched her husband and Freddy. Freddy was still laughing, kicking his little feet, trying to get Lucius to push him higher. "Freddy's been real good for us. Nass has been to. He's a bit hesitant on thoughts of a newborn, but I'm sure it will be fine." Narcissa said. "Harry and Draco are excited about the baby M, aren't they?" Hermione asked. "Honestly, they are nervous. Draco wasn't ready to have another child and Harry hasn't even really raised a single child. Neither one seem ready, but they aren't alone. Lily and Siruis will be here, to gave them a hand." Narcissa said. "Are there thoughts about more?" She asked. "I couldn't say." Narcissa said, getting her leg grab. "Tea!" Freddy giggled. "Sure!" She smiled, pulling the toddler to sit beside her. Lucius joining the table, the opposite side of his wife. "Your parents know about what's going on?" Lucius asked. "Yes, they do. They said to just let them know if we need to push the date, but replacing what we lost. Once baby M is born.
The last of the clothes will be finished. Once Draco has time to rest, will have the date finalized. I'm just...worried about Ron. Neither one of us, seen this coming with his family." She frowned, as Narcissa made Freddy a little cup of tea.

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