Chapter 15

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"I can't decide on the shirt!" Samuel fussed back. "Go with the blue one, Sam." Harry said, watching him grab the blue one. "Breakfast should be ready too, so hurry." Harry said, leaving the bedroom. "He seems fussy." Samuel frowned to his mum. "He's worried about Draco, son. He also has to get Nass on the bus, or he'll have to take her to school. It would make you late and he is a manager." She pointed out. "Okay." Samuel said, and finished getting dressed. He gave her a light kiss on the cheek. "Have a good day, okay?" She told him. "I will." He replied back.

Harry, Samuel and Nass waited at the bus stop for the preschool bus. "Pappy?" She asked. "Yes?" She asked. "How come people don't like uncle Remus in that world?" She asked and Harry let out a sigh. "Werewolves have a bad stigma. People distrust them. Uncle Remus has been since he was a boy." Harry said. "How is he my uncle too? Sammy is your brother." She asked. "He would be your great-Uncle, okay? Don't worry about the technicality of that." Harry said. "Okay." She said.
Harry took her to the bus when it stopped. "Not that it isn't good to see you, but where's Draco?" The bus diver asked. "Unwell." Harry said, watching Nass take her sit. "I hope he feels better soon, then. Have a good day Harry!" She said and he waved his daughter, goodbye, before he got back in the car.
"Do we have time to stop by the store? I want to pick something up. That money came on that card you set up for me." Samuel said. "It's your paycheck and yeah. You'll just have to hurry, okay?" Harry said, starting the car and the pair went down the road.

Harry watched his little brother go to the office off the woman he'd been talking to. Of course the little box of sweets was for her. He just hoped his mother was handling the thoughts he had towards this woman. She opened the door and Samuel disappeared into her office. "Hey, Sam." She said, easing back down at her desk. "You...said you like white chocolate." He said. "I did, yes. You wanted to know the kind of sweets I liked." She said. He unzipped the bag he carried with him and handed her the small box. She give a light smile. "You're a sweet man, Samuel. Who do you live with?" She asked. "A lot of people. My brother, my mum, my uncle, my brother in law, his parents and my niece." He answered. " should talk to somebody, about how you feel, Sam." She said, watching him sit down on the couch by the window. "You're worried I don't understand my feelings. I get that...Harry's let people think I have autism...I got some books about it and study it. I sounds somewhat like me, but that's...not why I am different. I understand, but my mum thinks you should be told what happened." Samuel said. "Does it have something to do with your hair? It's green, but I swear it changed that day you got overwhelmed by that fight between those two men. A dark red." She said, easing back into her office chair. "That has to do with what we are not what happened. I felt unsafe...reminded of the hate my mother and I had before we got away. I didn't grow up with Harry and until a couple months ago, he believed mum was died and didn't know about me." He said and after some though. "Was she kidnapped, before you was born?" She asked. "That's another word for it, yes. So...I grew up with my mum and me...held someplace. I'm not sure how we got away. That day a bit of blur really, but they hurt us. Not me, for a while, until I understood what they were doing to my mum. She couldn't handle it. It's...why I don't like bigger males, some woman if they seem hateful...or a couple have been bigger...I still distrust a lot of things, but I understand what I feel. I know...I'm not exactly like the others, and I Don't think I ever could be, memories, after memories are in my head. I still have nightmares." He said. "What...are you guys then?" She asked. "Magical... Something I don't really understand, but it causes me to change my hair, at will, most times. My hair going red, is because it's the colour of my mum's hair...the person I do trust. It's...been difficult, I didn't think I wanted to come here. I'm glad I did thought, other then a couple of them here." He said. "The brothers won't be here much longer I say. It's not the first time they have fought. I can't stay I understand what you mean by magical and your a sweet person, I wouldn't mind to try, but I worry about what your family would think then. I'm older then both you and your brother." She said. "Mum says that doesn't matter, as long as you are okay with who we are and what happened." He said. "I'll have to learn about it, but I don't mind, alright? I'm a pretty open person." She said, before the intercom button was pushed. "Everybody is to stay where they are. We are on lockdown." Said the General manager of the office building. "What....does that mean?" Samuel frowned. "Means somebody here is, who isn't supposed to be. Just stay here, alright? I'm sure your bother knows where you are." She said. "I...rather find him if somebody is here that isn't supposed to be. Somebody...could easily come after my mum, using me or my brother to get to her." He said. "Alright, come on." She said, getting to her feet. Slowly, the pair let her office and started to wonder the hallway, making a slow and careful walk to Harry's office.

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